News 2011

Farewell Cornus

On the last day of the old year 2011, the Trakehner stallion Cornus passed away at age 24 after a colic attack. The bay son of EH Ravel was approved in Neumünster in 1988 and stood at various locations throughout his career. His dam Cornu was a full sister to the Grand Prix dressage mare Corna, and hence a daughter of the great elite mare Cornau - dam of e.g. EH Consul. Cornus was a successful 1.35m level show jumper, and one of the "quiet champions" among the Trakehner sires. Despite very limited chances as a breeding stallion, Cornus produced an unually high number of high quality daughters, which were successful in hand and under saddle. He is also the sire of excellent competition horses, e.g. his only approved son Ursprung TSF (FEI level dressage) or the international eventing mare Lacorna. Cornus spent his last years with the Nüssel family close to Bayreuth in Bavaria and leaves a number of excellent offspring in the breed.


Cornus (photo: Archiv Trakehner Verband, with permission)

A very special birthday!

To find out more about our December birthday boy, click on the photo!


Stallion selections for Neumünster 2011

The selections for Neumünster are over. From what has transpired during the tour, we concluded our current list of stallion candidates for this year's event. Please follow this link for the final list of accepted stallion prospects.

Stallion selections for Neumünster 2011

The selections for Neumünster are over. From what has transpired during the tour, we concluded our current list of stallion candidates for this year's event. Please follow this link for the final list of accepted stallion prospects.

Trakehner Foal Auction, Hanover 2011 - AUCTION RESULTS ONLINE-

The catalog for the upcoming foal auction is now online. Please click on an image below!




In loving memory of Lara Meyer

I cannot believe I have to write these lines today. Lara is gone. Just like that. At age 42, leaving her most beautiful 3yr old girl Gracie and her mom Barbara behind - we are in shock, and so very very sad. Lara Meyer was a Trakehner lover extraordinaire, but more importantly, she was a unique person with a heart of Gold, charm, compassion, a totally lovable "crazyness" about her, she was our friend, our soul mate. I am etenerally grateful that she stepped into my life and I will forever hold her very dear to my heart. You are so very missed my friend. I hope you're at a better place now. Godspeed.

Lara and her Trakehner mare Tropic Soleil (Tropenlily) in 2003


Photo by Katrin Gerber

Imperio at Hagen and Lienen

Many breeders have been asking about the career of former Bundeschampion Imperio in the past years - he was not shown publicly all year and as usual, speculation took over. We're happy to announce that the time off was apparently used wisely. Imperio and Germany's top team rider Hubertus Schmidt are a new dream team and have made an impressive, even if still "green" appearance at the "Horses and Dreams" CDI in Hagen a couple of weeks ago. They took two 2nd places in high impact fields at Prix St. George and Inter I level, much tot he dlight of the Trakehner scene. Imperio still shines with his exceptional elasticity and ground-covering movement and is now working on the collection asked at this level. Some glitches are still evident, but what a nice start into the dressage season for this new pair. And currently, the two are competing at the International Dressage Festival in Lienen, where as of today, they added a 3rd place in the Prix St. George "special" (first qualification round for the Nürnberg Burgpokal 2011) to their still young record (71%). Congratulations team Imperio, and what a nice way to teach all the happy "speculators" a lesson or two. The time "off" was obviously used well!

Video of Imperio and Hubertus Schmidt in Hagen


Three great Trakehners gone: In Memoriam Key West, E.H. Herzruf and Steinburg

Bad luck really hits hard this year. Just this past weekend, two formidable Trakehners were lost on North America. The Demandt family mourns the untimely loss of 11yr old Key West (ex Kaspare), their wonderful FEI competitor by E.H. Charly Chaplin - E.H. Arogno, who took so many riders to success in the past years. He was Amy Jager's winning Young Rider mount in 2009 and just recently had a great season in Florida under Tom Dvorak, his new partner. They were were well on their way to the Pan Am Games, when a compressed spinal column ended Key West's life so early. The friendly gelding was a true ambassador for the Trakehner breed not only in Canada and had a lot of loyal fans, as the cards and flowers that have been coming in now show. Key West was acquired by Claudia and Ruth Demandt along with the Jager family in Neumünster 2003. He was part of the riding horse collection that year as a three year old stallion. Along with his one year younger full brother (another FEI horse now, Klouseau), he travelled to Canada to begin his dressage career. He was never presented for approval and was gelded, but comes from an impressive line-up of outstanding Trakehner dressage horses. His full brother Konradi TSF was a FEI winner for Germany's Peter Koch and his full sister SPS,PS+ES Karissima became not only the National Champion mare in Germany, but is also dam of the FEI winning, approved premium stallion Kasimir TSF. Key West had a gentle soul and was one of the friendliest, hardest-working horses you could ask for - he is missed greatly. We at TI have very fond memories of him, since 2003 was the beginning of our auction representation services and we have enjoyed our friendship built with the Demandt family for many years now. We will remember him for what he was - a truly outstanding Trakehner athlete, and hopefully others will follow his lead.

Lori Whitley lost her just recently acquired FEI dressage stallion Steinburg (by Kennedy - E.H. Marduc). Steinburg came to the US in 2005 after he had competed at S level in Germany. He was one of the very few Kennedy sons available for breeding and came from a very productive mare family. Just in 2010, it seemed his career would pick up again after he had stood somewhat outside of the spotlight for a few years. He ended up as the ATA's Horse of the Year in Hunter Breeding, and was acquired by Lori Whitley for her Phonix, OR based stud farm. Lori was looking forward to riding him again, and had many hopes for his breeding career. We're very sorry to hear of his passing - hopefully a few mares are already in foal for 2012.

And in Germany, Dr. Beate Ackermann announced the death of her elite stallion and "Stallion of the Year 2004", Herzruf (by Königspark xx - Ginster). The outstanding chestnut stallion is one of the breed's best all around sport horse producers and just recently came back into demand with his chestnut son Herzruf's Erbe winning at international Grand Prix under Ulla Salzgeber. Herzruf was approved in Neumünster in 1989, passed an exceptional 100 day test (scores of 10 for rideability and jumping) and stood at stud first in Westfalia, later in Bavaria. He comes from Veronika von Schöning's famous Herzchen-family that also produced e.g. E.H. Hibiskus and Hirtentanz. Herzruf's approved sons Linne and Payano, the latter a Grand Prix winner for Finnland, are hopefully going to continue this excellent family of sport horses.

Key West


EH Herzruf

Three Trakehners long-listed for Pan Am Games 2011

Three Trakehner pairs have been long-listed by the US Eventing Team for potential slots in the team for the 2011 Pan American Games in Eventing. Kelly Pugh with Copycat Chloe (by Stiletto *Ps* - Alzean Dancer xx), Downtown Harrison by Il Sixtino, a non-approved Trakehner stallion from Germany by E.H. Sixtus – Matador, who is owned and ridden by Jonathan Holling, and Maxance McManamy and her pinto gelding Project Runway (by Windfall *Pg* - Painted Indian) have been selected based on their success this year.

Eventing Weekend April 10th 2011

Several international events were hosted in Europe and North America this past weekend, and since Trakehners were present at many, here is our synopsis of the three days:
At The Fork CIC*** and Horse Trials in Norwood, NC, USA, three Trakehners competed at the upper levels. TSF Amazing Grace (by Tycoon – Lagunas xx) and Missy Miller ran their first CIC*** and started with a more than sketchy dressage (65.20), but ran clear cross country in a very difficult course, and earned 10.8 points for time penalties. Still, a very demanding course, and a round well ridden by the young rider and her bay German mare. They finished 35th out of 51st in a group of Olympic horses and riders. In the Advanced division, Kelly Pugh rode Copycat Chloe (by Stiletto *Ps* - Alzean Dancer xx) to a 39th place in dressage. The pair had some trouble xc, adding two stops and cosniderable time penalties to their record, but managed to move up the ranks despite this - a sign for the difficulty of this course. They were one of the few pairs to be double clear in stadium finishing 31st. And Downtown Harrison by Il Sixtino, a non-approved Trakehner stallion from Germany by E.H. Sixtus – Matador, who is owned and ridden by Jonathan Holling, placed 10th out of 24 in the Open Preliminary division at this show. 2011 marks an important year for many rider in terms of qualifying scores, since the next Olympics are practically around the corner and the Pan Am Games are coming up this year as well.

In Compienge/FRA, Kai-Steffen Meier and TSF Karascada M (by Heraldik xx - E.H. Anduc) placed 13th in the CCI**, their season opener after the mare had time to heal from an injury she sustained in 2010.

At the International Horse Trials in Kreuth, Bavaria, Germany, the young open season in Germany saw a first clash of the titans, as many team riders and aspiring younger riders presented their horses for the first time this year. In the CIC*, Alfred Bierlain rode the former NMS stallion candidate Indurain (by Houston - E.H. Arogno) on a 4th place (49.9 points). German Team member Ingrid Klimke placed her gelding Parmenides (by Sir Chamberlain - Habicht), who is the first horse in history to compete at the same Bundeschampionat in two disciplines (eventing and show jumping) on 11th position (52.8). In the CIC**, another of Ingrid Klimke's promising Trakehner youngsters placed well: Tabasco (by Heraldik xx - Heling) finished 6th on his dressage score of 40.6. Young rider Ben Leuwer rode his gelding Cappuccino (by I-Punkt-Memelruf) on place 12, which kept him one spot out of the ribbons. A rather unfortunate run at this level saw the former Champion stallion and Bundeschampion Songline (by Summertime - Kostolany) with Andreas Dibowski with a good dressage and very good cross country round, but the pair withdrew before show jumping.

More Trakehners did well at the Kamp-Lintfort CIC*in Westfalia, Germany. Friederike Tophoff-Kaup placed 4th in this division on Lady You MG (by Houston - Solo xx), another former Bundeschampionat finalist. And at the Swiss CIC* in Frauenfeld, the winner was the chestnut gelding Raumalpha (by E.H. Friedensfürst - Mont du Cantal AA) with Patrizia Attinger. This former Silver Medalist at the Bundeschampionat and 12th placed finalist at the FEI World Championships for Young Eventers in France was a top seller at the Top Eventers Auction in Luhmühlen. Patrizia Attinger added no more penalties to her very good dressage score of 30.1. Another Trakehner placed in the same division: 10yr old Schwalbenprinz (by Assisten - Balsazar) and Esther Andres finished on 7th position.

More sport from the weekend

In Luxembourg, a big dressage show was held in Beaufort, with plenty of Trakehners competing. The Prix St. Georges saw Terhi Stegars and the approved Lord Luciano (by Enrico Caruso *Ps*E* - Unkenruf *Pg*E*) on a 5th place. In the same class, Willi Feltes placed Mon Baron TSF (by E.H. Münchhausen TSF - E.H. Herzruf) on 8th position and Kristine Moeller, the head trainer at Gestüt Pallerhaff, placed the former NMS Reserve Champion C'est Bon (by E.H. Distelzar - Tycoon) on position 11. Finally in this big class, Diane Erpelding placed Puricelli (by E.H: Connery - Chronos) on 12th position. In the Grand Prix class, Terhi Stegars rode her most famous horse, the approved stallion Axis TSF (by E.H. Sixtus - E.H. Angard) on 4th position.

Also at this show, the S-tour saw the premium mare In Vita (by E.H. Buddenbrock - Kennedy) with two ribbons (2nd and 7th) with Willi Feltes. Once again, Lord Luciano placed in advanced classes: 4th in a S class and 3rd in an Ingter I freestyle. The Inter I freestyle class saw 15 competing pairs, 5 of which were Trakehners! C'est Bon placed 4th, Mon Baron placed 7th, the approved Peron Junior (by E.H. Sixtus - Athlet) and Veronique Walentiny placed 13th and Puricelli came in 15th (all pairs were placed). In the final Grand Prix freestyle, three of the 8 pairs total were Trakehners: Axis TSF and Terhi Stegars placed 2nd (and also placed 4th in the Special), 5th position went to Gaston Chelius and his Averna (by Donauwalzer - Alpenkönig) and Andreas von der Lahr rode Sternenglanz (by Glanzlicht - Ginster) on position 7.

At the international endurance race, a CEN over 90km in Gartow, Germany, Judith Schillmann rode the stallion Osharin's Peron (by Peron TSF - Handryk) on an excellent 2nd place. The stallion is approved for several East German and South German warmblood books and also participated at the Bundeschampionat of the German Event Horse a few years ago.

In Memoriam: Hennessey and Radscha

The ATA lost two stallions within one week. The German import Radscha (by E.H. Traumdeuter out of Ragnit III nby Habicht, Mare family of O270 Reni, v. Schöning) was bred by Hans-Heinrich Frese of Maasen, Germany and imported in 2004. Radscha was owned in partnership by Julie Baxely of RInggold, GA and Mey Jeean Fichter of Lexington, KY, and stood at Mea’s Way Farm in Kentucky. Radscha was approved in Neumünster in 1991 and passed his 100 day test with good scores. He always stood at remote stations in Germany’s Southwest and had limited influence on the Trakehner breed in Germany. His bloodlines were very valuable. His sire E.H. Traumdeuter, bu E.H. Arogno – E.H. Tenor, competed at FEI levels in dressage and stood in Oldenburg, where he sired several approved sons for the Oldenburg warmblood breed and made a good name for himself as a dressage sire. He was later exported to Denmark. Dam Ragnit was a daughter of the outstanding sport horse sire Habicht, and also produced the very good show jumper Ragnitor. Radscha’s mare family also produced the influential sires Ricardo, E.H. Ravel, E.H. Rockefeller, Rombus, Römer, Rondo and the Oldenburg premium Faustinus.
In America, Radscha had a solid fan base not only because of his obvious conformational qualities, but because of his big heart and wonderful temperament. He carried many riders, and participated at several exhibitions where he was a shining example of a solid, trustworthy and elegant Trakehner horse. Radscha had his biggest performance as a member of the Trakehner Parade during the 2010 WEG in Kentucky. Radscha is dearly missed by his human friends, and will hopefully live on in his offspring both in America and Germany.

Hennessey by Seigneur out of Harfe VI by Flaneur also came from Germany, but in utero and was born in the US. His breeder Helmut Eisner owns a stud farm in the South of Germany. Hennessey was owned by Lisha Marshall of Broad Hill Run Farm in Kingston, TN, where the stallion also stood throughout his career in the US. He was a noted Hunter sire – his son Zarr, who was not approved for the ATA, but is a full Trakehner, is one of the most successful Hunter sires in North America and has a huge fan base. Hennessy himself was a very good jumper, and a highly energetic horse with motivation and a wonderful personality. The author of this text remembers handling the older gentleman at an ATA convention a few years ago – stunned by the enormous movement and impulsion this stallion in his 20s still possessed. Hennessy’s sire Seigneur was Champion in Neumünster in 1986 out of the first foal crop of the great E.H. Consul. He was sold at auction for a record setting price at the time for all of Germany and left Germany immediately for his new home with Robin Koenig and his wife in the Northeast. Seigneur only stood at stud for one season – and died very young, leaving a huge gap. Seigneur’s dam was Burgschwalbe by Mozart, a maternal half sister of Gestüt Hämelschenburg’s outstanding elite mare Schwalbenburg. Hennessey’s dam Harfe VI represented the O192A Heimchen (Ellmer Altsauswalde - Alt Sauskojen) family in the breed.
As a sire, Hennessey has had some influence in North America, mostly as a sport horse producer. His passing truly leaves a big gap for the breed in North America. Hopefully there are a few more generations of his foals growing up.


Photo: MacMillan Photography


Photo: Pam Norton

In Memoriam: Preussenprinz
“The prince nobody knew” is the title the author remembers all too well from the Trakehner Hefte edition right after NMS 1989. How fitting. A still lanky brilliant chestnut colt had just won the Trakehner approvals – and he did not come from a well-known breeder, a big stud farm or possessed the pedigree that was en vogue at the time. Preussenprinz won the approvals because of his outstanding overall athleticism, his high conformation quality and maybe just because of his somewhat unique bloodlines. Preussenprinz was bred by Jutta Diercks, Neunkirchen and owned by Wilhelm Auhagen. He was a son of Majoran, another chestnut, and a grandson of the great Flaneur via Rubin (known to the American community as the sire of the ATA's valuable Rubinesque *Ps*). Preussenprinz’ dam St.Pr.St.+E.St. Preussenlied by Karneval belonged to the then small TB family of E4G Psyche xx (Bunte Hoffeld), a line that we know today as one of the better sport horse producing lines of the entire breed! And as a sire, Preussenprinz certainly lived up to the high expectations. He began his breeding career at Gestüt Eulenhof in Haltern in the German state of Northrhine-Westphalia. He stood next to Le Bajar, who later show jumped at S level. Preussenprinz passed a very good 100 day test in Medingen, and stood to a limited book of mares in the beginning. His color and “old style” pedigree didn’t help his cause and after a few good seasons, this excellent sire was soon forgotten. And while Trakehner breeders once again lost the focus on competition, Preussenprinz, who was approved in several other warmblood books, made a name for himself in those other books. His offspring competed at S level in dressage and show jumping – just often not wearing the Trakehner brand. A loss, as far as we can tell today. A handful of very good Trakehner sporthorses such as Boston (S dressage), Nice Connection (intermediate eventing and M show jumping), and the stallion Astral Silver Shadow (intermediate eventing) show just how important this stallion could have been. He did leave an impact as a mare producer (49 refistered daughters, several with double premium titles), since most of his daughters, while a little old style in their conformation and type, were outstanding and very powerful movers and passed this on to the next generation with great consistency. More recently, a few auction horses and the truly exceptional son Blue Boy (despite a phenomenal 30 day test and excellent jumping, not approved) put some light back on the stallion, but that hardly resulted in better breeding numbers. In 2009, Preussenprinz found a new home in Bulgaria, where he finally bred decent numbers and several new generations of Preussenprinz offspring are on the ground and are still expected this year and next. Hopefully, some of them will keep the name of the prince that nobody knew, alive.

Foto: Equiset

Trakehner Stallion Show Münster-Handorf 2011
Our full photo and video report on the Trakehner Stallion Show this year is online. Please click on the image of E.H. Hofrat to enter 5 pages worth of stallion display!

Trakehner Spring Approvals 2011 - UPDATE -
The results of the Trakehner Spring approvals are now available. A report of the entire stallion show will be posted shortly. For now, please click on the image below for details!!

Competition season in Florida kicks off with Trakehner success
The competition season in Florida is well under way, despite heavy snow falls in the North East of the US and a standstill in public life further up the coast. At the International Horse Sport Dressage Premiere (Jan 29-30th), the Trakehner gelding Key West (ex. Kaspare by E.H. Charly Chaplin - E.H. Arogno, bred by the gerke family of Uslar and owned by Bill Jager and Claudia & Ruth Demandt) won the FEI INter I class with his new rider, Canadian Toom Dvorak (72.5%). The class had 14 horses, and included riderfs such as Lisa Wilcox and Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfven. Tom hopes to qualify Key West for the Pan Am Games.

At the Rocking Horse Horse Trials in Altoona, FL, no less than 15 Trakehners competed in 9 divisions, raning from Open Intermediate to Beginner Novice. TSF Amazing Grace (by Tycoon - Lagunas xx, bred by the Roskothen family of Germany and owned by Missy Miller) finished her season opener as 12th in the Open Intermediate Division A, ridden by Missy Miller. The emerging talent Downtown Harrison, by the Trakehner stallion Il Sixtino (NA by E.H. Sixtus - Matador) and Jonathan Holling placed 5th in the same class, division B. The chestnut gelding Fantastik (by E.H. Connery - Elan xx, bred by Dagmar Pötters from Germany and owned by Darren Chiacchia) placed 3rd under rider Missy Ransehausen in the Intermeidate/Preliminary class, and the Open Preliminary class saw Asterion (by Windfall *Pg* - Amethyst, bred by Tim Holekamp and owned by Samantha Clark) on 3rd position under Olympian Leslie Law. The gelding is the former National Young EVent Horse Champion in the US. Offspring by Trakehner stallions Windfall *Pg*, Amethyst, Hibiskus, Hilton GS, Incantare, Graditz *E*, Tradition *Ps*, Tzogane *Pb*, Impressionist and Abdullah *Pg*E* further competed and placed in lower classes, and all Trakehneres entered also finished! Congratulations to all breeders, owners and riders and best of luck for the season!

German Dressage relocates to ... Germany!
Jennifer and Jürgen Hoffmann have relocated to Germany, after 15 years in Carlsbad, CA. They are now the head rider and station managers for Gestüt Letter Berg in Coesfeld. This stud is already home to the part Trakehner stallion Instertanz (by E.H. Insterburg TSF - Ehrentanz) and Hofmarschall (by Hotline (by E.H. Hofrat) - D'accord). With the Hofmman family came a most prominent Trakehner stallion back to Germany - Herzberg (by E.H. Leonardo - Persaldo) from the most accomlished mare family of Hannelore will be presented at the Handorf Spring Approvals in 2 weeks. The stallion was originally approved in Germany (Rhineland-Palatinate/Saar) and competed most successfully as a show jumper up to 1.35m. He sired several State Premium mares and the State Riding Horse Champion. After his sale to the US, he was trained as a dressage horse and during his many years in competition, won several Grabd Prix classes, also earning World Cup points internationally. Welcome back, Jennifer, Jürgen and Herzberg!

Herzberg and Jennifer Hoffmann

Balisto Z is back! - UPDATE
2011 begins with great news for Trakehner show jumper breeders and enthusiasts. The outstanding, international show jumper Balisto Z (by Suchard - E.H. Anduc, breeder: Dr. U. Mittermeier) has resurfaced after he was not available at stud for quite some time. Originally competed by the Melchior family of the Belgium Zangersheide Stud, where he also stood as a sire, Balisto Z is now ridden by Dutch young rider Albert Njihof. He is available as a breeding stallion after semen tests will be conducted and by contacting Stud Klomphaar in Laren.

Balisto Z with J.A. Melchior