62 Goldblume

EH Consul by Swazi xx
ES Etüde IV by Mahagoni

Schönbrück II

Meilenstein by Hessenstein
Schönau II by Ordensglanz
Goldperle VII
EH Anduc
EH Marduc by Halali
Angelique by Ibikus
Goldmaid II
Insterruf by Schwalbenflug
ES Goldmädel II by Schwarm

Family of T14H Goldelse (Hauptgestüt Trakehnen)


Won several Dressage Horse Classes at 1st level. Main Stud Book mare.

Inspected scores: 7,7.5,7/7,8.5,8/7.5 Central Mare Inspection in Hörstein 2003

Sire Schönglanz just placed at S level in dressage during the 2005 season and is one of the most promising younger dressage stallions in the breed today. His daughters usually rank very well in terms of movement and conformation and have done well in first dressage tests. He is the only approved son of the excellent, FEI dressage stallion Enchantee, who combines the great Consul and Mahagoni lines in his pedigree. He is currently stationed as a State Stud stallion in Marbach/Baden-Württemberg. Schönglanz' dam line is one of the more prominent show line in the breed, and also produced the ATA Hunter Champion Schönfeld, as well as Schönfelder, and the younger dressage stallion Schönbrunn. This is also the family of the World Cup dressage competitor Shannon TSF (by Kostolany).

The dam Goldperle VII is a high quality Anduc daughter, coming from the big former "Black Herd" mare family of Goldelse, which, among others, also produced the international Grand Prix dressage stallion Solero TSF, as well as the approved CCI*** eventer Grand Prix, as well as the stallions Gobelin, Golddollar, Goldregen, Garibaldi (ATA), Geysir, Goldgraf and Georgenhorst.

Copyright by Trakehners International. No reproduction allowed! Photo by Beate Langels.