54 Ice Age

EH Tuareg
Mahagoni by Pasteur xx
Rega by Kassius
ES Tilsit III
Herzbube by Gunnar
ES Tip-Top by Totilas
Prince Conde by Prince Rouge xx
ES Zauberspiel by Impuls
Irene VI
Mahagoni by Pasteur xx
Ironie by Kastellan

Family of O305B Isabella (Schlegel-Detmold)


Sire EH Tuareg, Stallion of the Year in 2000, was competed at FEI levels in dressage (like his sire Radom) and has now been standing at stud at the famous Oldenburg Gestüt Gröhnwohldhof (hopw of Donnerhall). Tuareg's offspring beling to the best dressage horses of our time, e.g. the grey mare Renaissance Fleur TSF who won World Cup competitions and was on the way to a Team spot when an accident left her crippeled and ended her career over night. Tuareg's sire Radom, who stood at Panker, sired a number of very god brood mares, performance horses and his get usually also jumped well, probably a left over from dam sire Kassius, who was one of the breed's best show jumper producers (e.g. Suchard). Dam Tilsit III also produced the elite stallions Tivano and Tenor as well as the elite mare Tänzerin, dam of Tambour, Thalys and Travell.

The famous dam Irina IX was an elite auction foal in Neumünster in 1991 and won her inspection, her performance test, and several young horse riding classes. She had three Abdullah sons, of which Idahoe was approved as the best jumper in 2000, and Iceman and Indio are performing very well at upper levels in show jumping with excellent perspectives for the future. Dam sire Zauberklang was the most important member of the Prince Rouge xx stallion line from Birkhausen, won the DLG and sold to North America in the 80s. He left a strong mark on the breed both in Europe and America, and has several excellent daughters entered into the books. He stod out most for his very versatile, and highly successful sport horses. His approved sons Turnus, Sedar, Markzauber, Enim Pascha and recently Zenit will hopefully put this famiyl back into the spotlight. The second dam Irene VI is dam of the approved Interconti and grand dam of the ATA's young Inamorato. The line further produced stallions like Induc and Inster Graditz.

Copyright by Trakehners International. No reproduction allowed! Photo by Beate Langels.