56 Incavilleo

EH Tipperary
Donauwind by Pregel
ES Maritza by Gobelin

ES Tip-Top

Totilas by Pythagoras
ES Tatiana by Komet
Incarvillea xx
Frontal xx
Le Haar xx by Vieux Manoir xx
Favreal xx by Borealis xx
Inverna xx
Lombard xx by Agio xx
Idrissa xx by Tamerlane xx

Family of E4 Layton Barb Mare


Placed in one Riding Horse Competition. Wins and placings in Young Dressage Horse Classes 1st level. 3rd at the International Trakehner Bundesturnier in 2005 (Riding Horse class).

Sire EH Tipperary is one of the last Matador sons to stand at stud in Germany. He offers a uniquely rare and old pedigree through his dam, the elite mare Tip-Top, who was a direct Totilas daughter. Her daughter ES Tilsit III became famous as the dam of the three approved elite stallions Tenor, Tuareg and Tivano. EH Tipperary, even though breeding very low numbers of mares, has managed to sire several Grand Prix horses for dressage and has a very high dressage index within the breed. His sire Matador was a very popular stallion during the 80s and early 90s and left way over 120 registered daughters in the Trakehner stud book, among them such important stallion dams like Helena (EH Hohenstein) or ES Miami (EH Michelangelo, Monteverdi TSF).

The dam Incarvillea xx is a TB mare of outstanding quality and with a pedigree that is loaded with some of the finest imporvement sires for the WB breeds, like Frontal xx and the impressive Tamerlane xx, foundation stallion of the Marlon xx line in Holstein. Incarvillea xx is approved as a brood mare not only in the Trakehner breed, but has also produced very high quality daughters for Hanover and Oldenburg.

Copyright by Trakehners International. No reproduction allowed! Photo by Beate Langels.