105 Carlotta


Breeder: Cornelia Wenzlau, Uelzen-Westerwey, Germany

Owner: Andrea von Zitzewitz, Wangels, Germany

Le Duc
EH Anduc by EH Marduc
Liga by Pregel
Colored Beauty
Elvis by Karabin
Cressia by Italiener
Pour le Merite
Mahon by Mahagoni
Popine by Marsuk ox
Cosima III
Derslaw by Avertin
Celuloza by Ostrog

Mare family of S10A3 Celuloza (Wüst-Himbergen)

The sire

Camaro was approved based on his performance test and qualified for the Bundeschampionat of the German Eventing Horse twicec in his career. He is the only approved son of the FEI dressage stallion Le Duc in the breed. The full sister to Camaro, the pinto mare Carisma, also produced the approved pinto Cosmopolit. The "C" in this family comes from the TB mare Cresta Star xx, whose line in the Trakehner breed recently got bigger by the approval of the exceptional Canzler (by Amatcho). This is alsoo the family of the elite auction mare 120 Cara Feliz.

The dam

Charivari is a daughter of the dressage sire Pour le Merite, who came from the Polarfahrt family and combined the excellent lines of Pasteur xx and the Arabian Marsuk ox in his pedigree. Marsuk's daughter Scherezad founded her own, excellent branch of the big Schwalber family and is held in very high regards. Second dam Cosmia is also dam of the M level dressage gelding Calafati (by Inspekteur).

Photo by Beate Langels
