101 Hochmeister


Breeder: Manfred Rüter, Dorsten, Germany

Owner: Manfred & Götz Rüter, Dorsten, Germany

Eol by Ostrjak
Chasa by Hrisolit
Pawitsch by Wek
Okruga by Almanach I
Hofdame v.d. Heide
Amiego *Ps*E*
Händel by Carajan
ESt Abiza *E* by Maharadscha
Hagebutte v.d. Insel
EH Mackensen by Patron
Hasel v.d. Insel by Pasteur xx

Mare family of O178A Hasta

The sire

Heops was one of the breed's most popular stallions in the past two years ever since his comet-like rise to stardome after a much celebrated appearance at the Gala in Neumünster one year. The most impressive Russian show jumper has a successful career up to S** level and is presenting his second foal crop in Neumünster. Heops comes from the excellent spportline of Eol, which through Blesk lead to the international Grand prix winner Biotop.

The dam

Hochmeister is a full brother to the 2006 elite auction foal Hofherr (now USA). Dam sire Amiego was a Pan Am medallist and is a maternal half brother to the legendary show jumper champion Abdullah *Pg*E*. Amiego stood at stud in Germany (Hörem) for one season and left a number of internationally successful competition horses, among them the dressage gelding Hardenberg Lemon (now USA), the CCI eventer Oktavio (approved) and the show jumper Eisdiamant.
