83 Hand's up
DOB: May 12th 2002

bay gelding, 16.1h

Winner at young dressage horse classes


EH Münchhausen TSF
EH Hohenstein
EH Caprimond by Karon
Helena XVI by Matador
ESt Mohnblüte
Königsstein by Königsruf
Magerite by Arrak
ESt Haute Volee
EH Consul
Swazi xx by Herero xx
ESt Cornau by Lothar
Istanbul by Flaneur
Handkundige by Impuls

Mare family of T14J Handschelle (Hauptgestüt Trakehnen)

The sire

EH Münchhausen TSF was the champion of his approval in 1997, a top scorer at his stallion performance test, won the National Riding Horse Championships, placed at the Bundeschampionat, won the Reserve World Champion title at the FEI Young Dressage Horse Championships in Verden and finally, in 2005, was selected for the Danish Team and participated at both the European Championships in Hagen/Germany, as well as the CHIO Aachen with his Danish rider Fie Skarsoe. A popular sire from the very beginning, he is approved for almost all European Stud Books and has several approved sons in Westfalia, and Sambatänzer, Meraldik and Mon Baron in the Trakehner breed. Many of his daughters have received premium scores and with his first crop of riding horses coming into the right age now, several pop up as excellent dressage talents, e.g. the gelding Garbor (Bundeschampionat 2005) or the mare Media Luna (FEI World Championships, Bundeschampionat and now at S level). Münchhausen TSF is the most successful of the many EH Hohenstein sons in the breed so far. His dam Mohnblüte is an in hand champion mare and her sire, the black Königsstein, although not known very well, has made a name for himself. Second dam sire Arrak was a direct Ibikus son and produced horses for the highest levels in all three disciplines, e.g. the Olympic dressage horse Merlin TSF with Carolin Hatlapa/Austria.

The dam

Combination of two great dressage horses: sire Münchhausen is winning internationally, and dam Haute Volee had a career up to Inter I as a dressage horse. Dam sire EH Consul is one of the breed's best and most proven sport horse sires and has left a number of outstanding sons for the breed, while he was also very influential in Hanover. Second dam sire Istanbul by Flaneur was also a very successful dressage stallion. The famous Handschelle family from the main stud Trakehnen, which has its origin in the "black herd" at Gurdzen, also produced Händel, Prusso, Handlesherr and the impeccable Habicht, to name a few.
