International Trakehner Stallion Market Neumünster 2007
TI's reference section
NMS on a glance: looking for the auction results? The catalogies? or a photo gallery? Here are the links to the most complete NMS Archive on the web: Catalogues 2007: Stallion Candidates - Riding Horses - Elite mares - Elite foals
Again, our partner Thorsten Kunst of Trakehneronline, has graciously agreed to allow access to his video database, so that from now on forward we will be able to bring you selected video clips of the approved stallions from Neumünster. Video links are added to each stallion's name, where available. We also offer DVDs and videos of all approved stallion,s, the auction, the Gala Night and all the other action. Please contact us for prices and availability.
We would also like to thank Peter Richterich and Jutta Bauernschmitt as well as Katrin Gerber and Gräfin A. Dohna for their generous supply of photos from Neumünster. Without you guys, our reports would be half as nice!! Trakehners International has a photo gallery from Neumünster online now so that you can see more shot of the horses and also more background photos from the Gala and Mare Shows. Enjoy!

The new stallions
2007 was another year where it was very hard to pick a champion from the beginning - a group of colts showed tremendous quality, but among these 5-6, who to pick? At least that keeps the excitement going! In the end, it was the Heinen family's lovely Grand Passion (by Oliver Twist o/o SPS Gipsy Rose by Polarion) who was proclaimed as the new Trakehner Champion stallion, and rightly so. The stallion showed excellent type and great overall harmony with an especially notworthy shoulder and croup formation. Grand Passion is bred out of the full sister to the CCI*** eventer Grafenstolz TSF and through his sire, carries two more international Grand Prix dressage winners (EH Monteverdi TSF and EH Partout) as well as the excellent jumper blood of Habicht via Sixtus. As is typicla for his sire line, Grand Passion had exceptional elasticity and impulsion and even though he grew tired over the days, always carried himself well and like a true champion.
Champion 2007: Grand Passion - VIDEO - (photos by Gräfin A. Dohna, Peter Richterich, Sportfoto Lafrentz) |
The reserve champion Editorial (by Connery o/o Eichmedien by EH Benz) was an equally impressive model and had many fans. Always light on his feet with great self-carriage and excellent uphill tendency in all gaits, he also jumped well and also has a very interesting pedigree. For his sire Connery, he is the second reserve champion in Neumünster (after Imperio in 2005) while his dam was the lottery foal in Neumünster a few years ago! Her line descends via Amiego *Ps*E* to the mare family that brought us Enrico Caruso *Ps*E* and his maternal half brother, the approved CCI*** eventer El Greco TSF.
Reserve Champion 2007: Editorial (ex Ettinger) - VIDEO - (photos by Jutta Bauernschmitt and Peter Richterich) |
This year, the commission made a clear statement regarding one more reserve champion title: the Ib Reserve was awarded to the great black colt Insterpark, whose pedigree was of outstanding quality with TB blood right where it is needed so much. Insterpark started a bit on the weak side, but contrary to the majority of stallions presented, got better every day and still had plenty of power and athleticism left by sunday. He is another son of the versatile sire Kasparow out of Insterlady by Affido xx from an old mare line that has not been in the spotlight for some time, and with genetic consolidation on the two 3/4 brothers Bergkönig and Berghorst, that shaped much of the breed in the late 60s and early 70s, and especially in Denmark.
2nd Reserve Champion: Insterpark - VIDEO - (photos by Jutta Bauernschmitt) |
The bay premium Halimey Go (by Askar AA o/o SPS Hamamelis by Pardon Go) was a clear crowd's favorite from day one. With beautiful Trakehner type, he just did everything very well, including the free jumping part, and loved with tremendous power from his haunches. The stallionn is the last (and only) approved son of the Olympic eventing stallion Askar AA and thus is a genetic treasure and very interesting new possibility for the Trakehner breed, especially when considering that his dam is by the top sport horse sire Pardon Go, a son of the FEI show jumper Rittersporn. All of that on the basis of the family of EH Hohenstein and very little is left to wish for.
Premium: Halimey Go (photos by Jutta Bauernschmitt) |
Premium stallion Herzog von Heidenrod (ex Hage's Best; by Freudenfest o/o Hekate II by Exclusiv) was a stallion with a large frame and a very correct way of moving. He was bred by a Trakehner Verband "Young Breeder", which is a great success not only for that program, but for Fabian Hage to start his career with such a contribution. Another impressive premium was Kronprinz (by EH Hohenstein o/o SPS+PS Keep Cool by EH Sixtus). The stallion was the Foal Auction highlight in 2005 and had been acqired by Burkhard Wahler - his return of investement worked rather well we dare say (see auction results below!). Kronprinz is out of the full sister to the stallion Kasparow, and hence his direct bloodlines red Hohenstein - Sixtus - Kostolany. One may questioon how many more of these pedigrees we need in the breed - but here the argument was clearly won by the horse. Kronprinz is a stallion with breathtaking movement, very correct feet and just this neverending reach of the front arm that our breed is often still lacking.
Premium: Herzog von Heidenrod (ex Hage's Best) (photos by Peter Richterich) |
Premium: Kronprinz |
And EH Hohenstein had another son in the premium ring: the drop dead gorgeous grey Cousteau (o/o Copellia by EH Marduc). His mother, the grey mare Copellia, is an Anglo Trakehner out of a full TB mare and won the German Nationl Mare Show as best Anglo mare (all breeds) in the early 2000s. Very sadly, she passed away in early 2008. Cousteau may well be Hohenstein's best "refinement" son ever - and we may want to point our Hanoverian and Oldenburg friends in his direction. The stallion stood on a correct foundation and had a wonderful frame and top line, along with maybe the best walk of the entire crop. He always carried himself well and one could amost think he knew what he represented.
Premium: Cousteau
(photos by Gräfin A. Dohna and Jutta Bauernschmitt)
With Karamell (by Lauries Crusador xx out of ESt. Kadenz IX by EH Hohenstein), the full brother to last year's premium stallion Krokant was approved. The stallion stood 172cm (17h) at this young age and one may wonder where he will end up, size wise, but he was still a higly elegant and modern sport horse type, even if his overall quality was not a match for the full brother. What a success for the Holst family as breeders: Kadenz is now dam of 4 approved stallions, the aforementioned Lauries Crusador xx-brothers and the two brothers Karolinger I and II. The best jumper of the approval was Hope of Heaven (by Alaskatraum out of Hexe IX by Symbol) as the first son of the Abdullah-son Alaskatraum, who is an FEI level show jumper in Denis Lynch's barn. Hope of Heaven had impeccable manners and a wonderful elegant type, and also moved very well for a horse with a jumper-loaded pedigree like this. The family has produced a number of great performance horses in show jumping and eventing and Hope of Heaven's sale (after NMS) to Canada's Galten Farms will offer a new set of genes and performance proven history for breeders in North America. For now, the stallion remains in Germany.
(photo by Peter Richterich) |
Hope of Heaven
(photo by Peter Richterich) |
The newly proclaimed Elite stallion Buddenbrock also had a direct son in the ring that ended up approved: Glenn Grant (out of Gute Zeit by EH Consul) is - at least on paper - a 3/4 brother to King Arthur TSF and was more impressive every day - a truly versatile talent with his sire's signature movement and from an exceptionally successful dam line (Guter Stern, Guter Planet etc). With the bay Monseigneur, another Cadeau-son was approved as well. His dam, Maritza IV by EH Herzzauber - Mandant stood for some usual breeding in her falling family tree and Monseigneur rewarded it by loftly gaits and good stallion expression. Although now French-owned, the stallion also remains at stud in Germany. A very impressive model of a young sire was Donauklang (by Distelzar out of SPS+PS Donaubirke by EH Herzzauber), who was one of the best jumpers of this lot and represented the stronger Trakehner type with a solid top line and uphill build.
Glenn Grant (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt) |
Monseigneur (ex Midway) (photo by Peter Richterich) |
Donauklang (photo by Peter Richterich) |
The very harmonious grey Hamilton (by Distelzar out of SPS,PS+ES Habsburg by Fahnenträger II) was the second son of Distelzar that was approved this year and impressed with his excellent hind end engagenment, elasticity and good frame. He sold at auction to a future sport horse home in Luxembourg. Hamilton's dam, a famous mare in Germany, is the current Grand Champion Mare along with her daughters as the best Trakehner Mare Family in Germany. She is a maternal half sister to Handryk, and the dressage potential in this line was nicely displayed by its youngest approved member. Also grey, and also very harmonious was Pommard (by Goldschmidt out of Perrier by Induc), who had a somewhat open hock angle but used it well in his movement and had wonderful front arm elevation in his gaits. The stallion is the first approved son of the younger Goldschmidt and hence belongs to this newly founded, still smaller stallion line of the international Grand Prix dressage stallion EH Biotop. Pommard sold at auction to Gestüt Hohenschmark in Schleswig-Holstein. The dark bay Latin King (ex Le Bai; by Hibiskus out of SPS+PS Lantana by Tycoon) was a highly spirited stallion with a large frame and a very good canter. His dam is also dam of the champion stallion Le Rouge. Latin King sold at auction to Stall Krotenbach in Holstein, where he will be developed as a dressage horse.
Hamilton (photo by Peter Richterich) |
Pommard (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt) |
Latin King (ex Le Bai) (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt) |
With Karl Lagerfeld (by Hofrat out of PS Kastanie VII by EH Arogno), the breed's first Hofrat son was approved and will be stationed at Gestüt Tasdorf for his under saddle career and his breeding debut. The stallion stood on correct legs, had a very good frame and excellent overtall type. We would have liked to see a bit more impulsion from behind, but there is no doubt that he will appeal as a top future dressage prospect. Nachtruf (by Interconti out of SPS Nadja VI by EH Herzruf) was a highly peasant surprise in this group of stallion. Smaller in frame and height, he was won of the overall best movers of this group with a highly engaged hind end and exceptional front arm elevation that he developed with outstanding rhythm and balance. He sold at auction to Reiner Seewald's farm and made his debut in competition in the spring season 2008. Equally impressive was Georgenberg (by King Arthur TSF out of Ginette II by Le Bajar), who was an outstanding all around athlete with good jumping skills and excellent, ground covering and active movement. The stallion, who carries the much admired blood of the Shagya Arabian Bajar SHA, made his breeding debut via Gerard Geling's stud in Holstein.
Karl Lagerfeld (photo by Peter Richterich) |
Nachtruf (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt) |
Georgenberg (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt) |
The second approved stallion from the Heinen Stud this year, Singolo (ex Scivias; by Oliver Twist out of SPS+PS Shakira by EH Biotop) was possibly the best mover of this event, wich neverending power from his hind end, and great submission through his back and into a well-elevated fron. The stallion is very masculine in his expression and could have been a bit lighter overall, but his qualities resulted in the highest price for a non-premium stallion during the auction. Scivias made his breeding debut at Gestüt Hohenschmark as well. The last approved stallion of this 2007 crop was the black Tanzpartner (by Schiffon out of PS Tanzstunde II by EH Hohenstein). The second approved Schiffon son in germany since Schiffon left the country for the US was a very good jumper - like his half brother Herzglanz in 2006 - and movevd with much engagement. The stallion will be developed as a dressage horse in the future, and comes from one of the breed's most successful dam lines. His mother's maternal half sister is dam of the approved stallions EH Tambour, Thalys and Travell and grand mother Tilist III further produced EH Tivano, EH Tuareg and EH Tenor.
Singolo (ex Scivias) (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt) |
Tanzpartner (photos by Peter Richterich & Jutta Bauernschmitt) |
The stallion lines split up as follows:
- Editorial, Insterpark, Glenn Grant and Georgenberg are Burnus AAH-Habicht descendants, all of them via EH Sixtus - EH Buddenbrock
- Grand Passion and Singolo belong to the Flaneur-EH Arogno line, via EH Partout - EH Monteverdi; Cousteau and Kronprinz also come from the Arogno line, but via EH Hohenstein
- Latin King is from the Neuquen xx - Saint Cloud line, via EH Latimer
- Tanzpartner represents the Halali - EH Marduc line
- Herzog v. Heidenroth, Monseigneur, Hamilton, Karl Lagerfeld and Donauklang represent the Pasteur xx line through Kostolany
- a new Angloarabian line now is represented by Halimey Go through sire Askar AA
- Nachtruf represents the line of Swazi xx - EH Consul
- Pommard is a representative of the Russian Hockey line via EH Biotop
- Hope of Heaven represents the line of Donauwind via Abdullah
- a newer TB line was represented by Karamell (Lauries Crusador xx)

The Gala Show
For our photo report of the 2007 Gala Show, please follow this link: Neumünster Gala 2007. All photos are by Jutta Bauernschmitt.

The National Mare Championships

The 2007 National Mare Championship Finals were quite an event - mostly due to exceptional mares participating in this particular event. The job for the judges must have been very daunting. Finally, Gestüt Heinen's black Gipsy Flower II (by EH Gribaldi out of SPS Gipsy Rose by Polarion) was proclaimed as Grand Champion. The mare, who is now owned by Verena Sontheimer in Bavaria, was the champion of the regional inspection in Bavaria and came to NMS to make it the perfect weekend for Rhineland-based Heinen Stud: the Champion stallion (who is out of the same dam as Gipsy Flower!!), approved Scivias, Gipsy Flower II and the Reserve Champion mare, Aguilera (by Hofrat out of SPS+PS Aranja by EH Michelangelo) all came from this one farm. Aguilera was the Champion mare of the inspection in the Rhineland. What a success, especially considering that not only the mares, but also the grand sire EH Monteverdi TSF was bred by the Heinen family.
Champion mare: Gipsy Flower II (photo by Peter Richterich)

Reserve Champion mare: Aguilera (photo by Countess A. Dohna)
The 3rd placed mare was bay Lea V by Connery out of Lara Croft II by Tanzmeister I. This very sympathetic, well-moving mare was Champion of the inspection in Lower Saxony North-West and won everybody by her noble, light expression and way of going.

Facts & Numbers
The auction results of the 2007 Approved Stallion Auction:
Cat # |
Name |
Pedigree |
Price (Euro) |
Sold to |
63 |
Grand Passion |
Oliver Twist x Polarion TSF x Camelot |
300,000 |
The Pigdley Family, UK |
19 |
Editorial (ex Ettinger) |
Connery x EH Benz x Amiego |
60,000 |
K.-H. Schulenburg, Schleswig-Holstein |
52 |
Insterpark |
Kasparow x Affido xx x Solist |
45,000 |
Gestüt Panker, Schleswig-Holstein |
8 |
Halimey Go |
Askar AA x Pardon Go x Matador |
120,000 |
Consortium (private owners, State Stud Schwaiganger) |
26 |
Herzog v. Heidenroth |
Freudenfest x Exclusiv x |
32,000 |
Gestüt Tannenhof, Hessia |
43 |
Cousteau |
EH Hohenstein x EH Marduc x King Lear xx |
60,000 |
Gestüt Hohenschmark, Schleswig-Holstein |
44 |
Kronprinz |
EH Hohenstein x EH Sixtus x Kostolany |
110,000 |
State Stud Marbach, Baden-Württemberg |
2 |
Karamell |
Lauries Crusador xx x EH Hohenstein x Karwendelstein |
40,000 |
Fam. Gebauer, Northrhine-Westfalia |
9 |
Hope of Heaven |
Alaskatraum x Symbol x Memelruf |
22,000 |
back to owner - sold later to Galten Farms, Canada |
12 |
Glenn Grant |
EH Buddenbrock x EH Consul x |
50,000 |
Gestüt Wiesenhof, Northrhine-Westfalia |
14 |
Monseigneur (ex Midway) |
Cadeau x EH Herzzauber |
28,000 |
Haras du Muschump, France |
20 |
Donauklang |
Distelzar x EH Herzzauber |
40,000 |
State Stud Saxony |
21 |
Hamilton |
Distelzar x Fahnenträger II x Ibikus |
22,000 |
Gestüt Pallerhaff, Luxemburg |
30 |
Pommard |
Goldschmidt x Induc |
30,000 |
Gestüt Hohenschmark, Schleswig-Holstein |
36 |
Latin King (ex Le Bai) |
Hibiskus x Tycoon x EH Michelanglo |
22,000 |
Stall Krotenbach, Schleswig-Holstein |
40 |
Karl Lagerfeld |
Hofrat x EH Arogno |
65,000 |
Lower-Saxony (stationed at Gestüt Tasdorf) |
51 |
Nachtruf |
Interconti x EH Herzruf |
21,000 |
R. Seewald, Lower Saxony |
53 |
Georgenberg |
King Arthur TSF x Le Bajar |
50,000 |
The Netherlands |
64 |
Singolo (ex Scivias) |
Oliver Twist x EH Biotop x Königsmark xx |
95,000 |
Hamburg |
65 |
Tanzpartner |
Schiffon x EH Hohenstein x |
24,000 |
Gestüt Panker, Schleswig-Holstein |
Auction stats:
For sale: |
20 |
Sold: |
20 |
Sum: |
1,236,000 € |
Lowest price: |
21,000.00 € |
Highest price: |
300,000.00 € |
Average price: |
61,800.00 € |
The auction results of the 2007 Stallion Auction - non approved stallions:
Cat # |
Name |
Pedigree |
Price (Euro) |
Sold to |
1 |
Helauris |
Lauries Crusador xx x EH Caprimond |
8,000 |
Schleswig-Holstein |
3 |
Keep Cool |
Prince Thatch xx x Timber |
9,000 |
Lower Saxony |
10 |
Andretti |
EH Buddenbrock x Guter Planet |
13,000 |
Luxemburg |
11 |
Craig |
EH Buddenbrock x Karo As |
18,000 |
UK |
13 |
High Pleasure |
Cadeau x Humanus |
37,000 |
Lower Saxony |
15 |
EH Caprimond x EH Consul |
10,000 |
Baden-Württemberg |
17 |
Homer |
Connery x Nandino xx |
9,000 |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
24 |
Tasco |
Elitär x EH Manrico |
9,500 |
Hessia |
27 |
Segatini |
Freudenfest x Alter Fritz |
21,000 |
Austria |
32 |
Lemberger |
Goldschmidt x Suchard |
14,500 |
The Netherlands |
33 |
Fair Fontane |
Guter Planet x EH Buddenbrock |
21,000 |
Lower Saxony |
34 |
Schneestern |
Handryk x Nerv |
15,000 |
Schleswig-Holstein |
37 |
Lakritz |
Hibiskus x EH Freudenfest |
17,500 |
Austria |
39 |
Laudino |
Hockey x Inster Graditz |
8,000 |
Lower Saxony |
45 |
Inverness |
EH Hohenstein x Preussenprinz |
27,000 |
Lower Saxony |
46 |
Remarque |
In Flagranti x Couleur Fürst |
8,000 |
Lower Saxony |
47 |
Santorino |
Insterburg TSF x EH Rockefeller |
15,500 |
Schlewsig-Holstein |
48 |
Herbstzauber |
Insterburg TSF x EH Bartholdy |
Bavaria |
49 |
Naklaro |
Interconti x EH Herzruf |
10,000 |
Hessia |
50 |
Naconti |
Interconti x Giorgio Armani |
20,000 |
Schleswig-Holstein |
54 |
Odeon |
King Arthur TSF x Ivernel |
17,000 |
Schleswig-Holstein |
55 |
Eichengeist |
Kostolany x EH Louidor |
13,500 |
Hessia |
56 |
Pelle |
EH Latimer x EH Hohenstein |
21,000 |
Schleswig-Holstein |
57 |
Halleluja |
EH Lehndorffs x Artistic Rock |
20,000 |
Gestüt Wiesenhof, Northrhine Westfalia |
58 |
Kerrines |
Long Deal x Couleur Fürst |
10,000 |
Baden-Württemberg |
59 |
Long Dream |
Long Deal x Vivus |
9,500 |
Brad Kerbs, USA |
60 |
Hachez |
Lowelas x EH Solero TSF |
15,000 |
Denmark |
61 |
Feuer und Flamme |
EH Michelangelo x Holunder |
10,000 |
66 |
Irish Coffee |
Sir Chamberlain x Mumpitz |
9,500 |
Team Schmelting, Northrhine Westfalia |
67 |
Maxim |
EH Solero TSF x EH Caprimond |
7,500 |
Gestüt Tannenhof, Hessia |
68 |
Ebonit |
Summertime x Illit |
16,500 |
Gestüt Waldfried, Hessia |
69 |
Batist |
EH Tambour x EH Partout |
12,000 |
Berlin |
Auction stats:
For sale: |
33 |
Sold: |
32 |
Sum: |
471,500.00 € |
Lowest price: |
7,500.00 € |
Highest price: |
37,000.00 € |
Average price: |
14,734 € |
Missing catalogue numbers were not for sale!

The auction results of the 2007 Elite Riding Horse Auction:
Cat # |
Name |
Pedigree |
Price (Euro) |
71 |
Sunshine Raggea |
Cadeau x Starway |
26,000 Northrhine Westfalia |
72 |
Nevada |
Starway x Heling |
19,000 Schleswig Holstein |
74 |
Ordina |
EH Hohenstein x Kostolany |
20,000 Northrhine Westfalia |
75 |
Blue Velvet |
Key West x Eichendorff |
28,000 - Denmark - |
77 |
Lutetia |
EH Latimer x EH Caprimond |
30,000 Schleswig Holstein |
79 |
Davidoff |
EH Connery x Induc |
19,000 - Denmark - |
82 |
Absolut |
Freudenfest x EH Marduc |
83 |
Hand's up |
EH Münchhausen TSF x EH Consul |
15,000 - UK - |
84 |
Pari Go |
EH Maizauber x Verdenas |
12,000 Lower Saxony |
85 |
Clouney |
EH Connery x EH Consul |
14,500 Lower Saxony |
86 |
Ladylike |
EH Buddenbrock x Sedar |
10,000 - Sweden - |
87 |
Fahrenheit |
EH King Arthur TSF x Arrak |
14,000 Schleswig-Holstein |
89 |
Sir Arthur |
EH Buddenbrock x EH Consul |
55,000 Hessia |
Auction stats:
For sale: |
14 |
Sold: |
13 |
Sum: |
272,500.00 € |
Lowest price: |
10,000.00 € |
Highest price: |
55,000.00 € |
Average price: |
20,962.00 € |

The auction results of the 2007 Elite Foal Auction:
Cat # |
Name |
Pedigree |
Price (Euro) |
93 |
Limerick |
Kaiserdom TSF x Kostolany |
3,500 € |
95 |
Ulanca |
EH Chardonnay x Guy Laroche |
4,600 € |
96 |
Herbstbach |
Ocaccio x Schönbrunn |
5,000 € |
97 |
Kesse Deern |
Lord Luciano x Starway |
8,000 € - The Netherlands - |
98 |
Sidney |
Axis x Kostolany |
12,000 € |
99 |
Eilun Feer |
Karolinger I x Elvis |
14,000 - UK - |
100 |
Schokolade |
Easy Game x Gortus |
7,000 € |
101 |
Hochmeister |
Heops x Amiego *Ps*E* |
4,000 € - Ireland - |
102 |
Irana |
Karolinger I x EH Hohenstein |
5,500 € - France - |
104 |
Orania |
Harlem Go x Heraldik xx |
7,500 - USA - |
105 |
Carlotta |
Camaro x Pour le Merite |
22,000 - Switzerland - |
107 |
Czardasprinzessin |
Sedar x EH Friedensfürst |
3,500 € |
108 |
Herbstesprit |
Herzensdieb x Arrak |
4,000 € |
110 |
Linus |
Freudenfest x EH Napoleon Quatre
9,000 € |
111 |
Cover Girl |
EH Gribaldi x Spirding |
4,000 € |
112 |
Traumprinz |
Elkadi II x Graciano |
6,000 € - UK - |
113 |
Irrlicht |
Harlem Go x Schiffon *Ps* |
21,500 € |
Auction stats:
For sale: |
20 |
Sold: |
17 |
Sum: |
141,100.00 € |
Lowest price: |
3,500.00 € |
Highest price: |
22,000.00 € |
Average price: |
8,300.00 € |

The auction results of the 2007 Elite Mare Auction:
Cat # |
Name |
Pedigree |
Price (Euro) |
114 |
Calimba Lady |
EH Buddenbrock x Polarpunkt |
10,000 € |
115 |
Ivoire |
EH King Arthur TSF x EH Hohenstein |
7,000 € |
116 |
Pr St Viva Vanessa |
Ursprung TSF x Wakond |
16,500 € - USA - |
117 |
Turandot |
EH Tambour x Caanitz |
10,000 € - UK - |
118 |
Princess |
EH Hofrat x EH Münchhausen TSF |
14,000 € |
119 |
PrSt Kameyka |
EH Van Deyk x EH Arogno |
8,000 € - Denmark - |
120 |
Cara Feliz |
Heraldik xx x EH Consul |
21,000 € |
121 |
SPS+PS Evita |
10,000 € |
122 |
Briska |
Summertime x EH Sixtus |
19,000 € - The Netherlands - |
123 |
Harlem Go x Gipsy King |
12,000 € - Belgium - |
124 |
PS Patina |
EH Latimer x Amadeus |
14,000 € |
125 |
PS Illusion |
EH Latimer x EH Hohenstein |
16,000 € |
Auction stats:
For sale: |
12 |
Sold: |
12 |
Sum: |
158,000.00 € |
Lowest price: |
7,000.00 € |
Highest price: |
21,000.00 € |
Average price: |
13,166.00 € |
