International Trakehner Stallion Market Neumünster 2006

The new stallions

In 2006, it was virtually impossible to pick the champion early in the race. The hard surface performance didn't really yield a true champion, and to our greatest surprise, not even before the final walk round on sunday morning were we able to say who would end up in front. The overall quality of the crop of very good (18 approved stallions in total, a plus of 4 compared to 2005), but the one shining star was not there. In the end, it was Hämelschenburg's dark bay Songline (by Summertime out of PS Schwalbenspiel by Exclusiv) who was announced as champion. Songline is a classical Trakehner type with a large frame and very strong foundation with good sized feet. He impressed foremost with his outstanding calm temperament, his very good balance and rhythm in all gaits and the clear rectangular frame he stood in. The foundation could have been more correct. Songline's movement was marked by good elasticity and suppleness with an especially good canter. Congratulations to the Langels family for yet again turning out a champion in Neumünster! Songline is a member of the O35A1a Schwarze Schwalbe family that originates at Gestüt Webelsgrund. His dam also produced the 2003 premium stallion Shavalou (by Freudenfest). Other noteworthy members of this family include the champions Seigneur and Santiago, as well as the stallions Schwadroneur, (FEI dressage), Shannon, Shooting Star, Showmaster, (international Grand Prix dressage), Sans Souci and Stradivari (M level show jumper).

Champion 2006: Songline - VIDEO -

The reserve champion Donaugold (by Distelzar out of ES Donaufürsting v. Klosterhof by EH Sokrates) was a shining chestnut stallion of great type. Bred by the oldest breeder in the audience, Mrs. Gudrun Wahler of Klosterhof Medingen, the stallion was the best overall athlete of the field and impressed with exceptional hind end activity in his trot and canter, and also won the prize for the best jumper of all approved colts (the truly best jumpers were in the non-approved collection!). Donaugold could just as well have been the champion, and probably just lacked the Trakehner presence of Songline to compete with him over the top spot. He certainly stood on a much dryer, more pronounced foundation and was an exceptional mover overall. Donaugold is a member of the A3A3 Donaufürstin family (Wahler - Klosterhof Medingen). His dam was a National champion mare and also produced the approved Donaufels (by EH Hohenstein) and the approved, top show jumper Donauprints (by Almox Prints J). This family also stands for Donaumonarch (international show jumper), Donautanz (Han.), Donaufischer, Donaukaiser, Donauzar and many more.

Reserve Champion 2006: Donaugold - VIDEO -

The field of premium stallions had something for everybody. It was to this particular author's personal delight to see the outstanding black Krokant in the premium ring. Krokant (by Lauries Crusador xx out of ES Kadenz by EH Hohenstein) was bred by the Holst family and was presented for his owners, Klosterhof Medingen, where he will stand at stud in the future. Krokant was a lovely example of what good a TB stallion can do to a solid mare base, and impressed with outstanding type and nobility, excellent movement over the board with possibly a weaker walk (a known trait in Lauris Crusador xx offspring), and also jumped with talent and good oversight. In fact, all the way to the end I was hoping for the right sign from the inspectors to announce him champion. Anglo-bred colts hardly come better than this one. But even without a champion title, it was the weekend of Lauries Crusador xx. In Verden, where the Hanoverian Verband was hosting its approvals, every single LC son presented was approved, three of them with premiums, and in the end, the dressage champion stallion in Hanover was a Lauries Crusador xx - Raphael son. And to top it all off, Lauries was declared "Hanoverian Stallion of the Year". Krokant is a member of the O23A Kordel (Dohna-Schlobitten) family. His dam also produced the approved full brothers Karolinger I TSF + II (both by EH Latimer, the fist being a successful FEI dressage stallion). The family further stands for Korritt (AUS) and Korvo (USA) as well as Karwendelstein, Korado, Kupferberg-Gold, E.H. King Arthur TSF (Grand Prix dressage) and many more.

Premium: Krokant - VIDEO -

Another black premium was Okavango (by E.H. Hibiskus out of PS,SPS+ES Olga III by EH Sixtus), a maternal half brother to the premium stallion Oliver Twist (by EH Monteverdi TSF). The stallion was bred by Insa Ruprecht of Bremen, Germany and co-owned by the Nissen stud in Denmark. Okavango was from Hibiskus' first crop in Neumünster and was a very typey stallion with excellent movement in all three paces, and a good jumping technique, who too had a bit too little angle in his haunches with a rather steep hock. However, his conformation didn't prevent him from stepping under him with great ease and good impulsion. Okavango is a member of the O69A Oka (Dohna-Schlobitten) family. The family also produced the ATA stallion Onassis *E*, and the top eventer and approved stallion Octavio. The trio of the black premiums was completed by Elfenstein (by EH Hohenstein out of Elfennacht II by Waldvogt). Bred and owned by Gestüt Erdmannshausen in Schwaförden, Germany, this stallion was a classic member of the EH Caprimond-family. Elfenstein was very supple, more so than most other EH Hohenstein sons, and impressed with a very correct foundation and his very easy way of going. We would have asked for more dynamic movement in stepping under his center of gravity, but all in all, there was very little to complain about with this stallion. A classic Trakehner sire from head to toe. Elfenstein is a member of the O100A2 Etikette family that was founded by Dietrich von Lenski in his East Prussian home of Kattenau. This family was well represented in Neumünster this year, also yielding the approved Elfado. The dam of Elfenstein is also the third dam of the elite riding horse mare Eichenblüte, the Verband's outstanding representative at the 2006 Bundeschampionat in Warendorf. The line further produced Exclusiv and Extravagant.

Premium: Okavango - VIDEO -
Premium: Elfenstein - VIDEO -

The last premium stallion was Zauberfürst (by Interconti out of PS,SPS+ES Zaubernacht by EH Caprimond), bred and owned by Gestüt Elmarshausen in Hessia. The bay stallion was still lanky and green, but showed tremendous movement potential with modern knee action, nice shoulder freedom and good track from behind. He was very noble in his type and appearance and represented the modern sport horse type quite nicely. Zauberfürst's dam line is that of S61 Zauberfee (Hundsdörfer-Beckedorf), a family that had been out of the spotlight for some time. This is the family of the DLG-champion stallion Zauberklang *E*.

The crop of Anglo Trakehner colts was very strong this year, and of four presented Anglo colts, three were approved. Besides the premium Krokant, we saw the bay Chardonne (by Stravinsky xx out of Courage II by Tolstoi), who was bred by Gutsverwaltung Gut Schwaighof in Bavaria. He was the first offspring of Stravinsky xx presented in Neumünster and was a pleasing overall athletic colt, who sadly lacked any talent over jumps, but moved well enough and had the pedigree to be considered a good new addition to the stallion line up. Knowing both parents in person, it was a bit disappointing to see that Chardonne moved like neither one of them, but as with any high blood 2 year old, we will sit back and allow him several years to mature. Chardonne's mare family is that of O133A1 Cornelia (Gut-Schwaighof). The dam also produced two Westfalian approved premium stallions in Münster-Handorf. The line further produced Chabrol and Chateauneuf (S level show jumper). Iacocca, the other Anglo colt approved, was bred by Geert Brenninkmeyer of Hamburg, Germany, who had already produced the champion in 2004, Le Rouge. Iacocca (by Pret a Porter out of Irma la Douce xx by Local Suitor xx) impressed with his large frame and while he started out somewhat slow and not too impressive, he won over the days and stood out as a great overall performance horse. He also had a good foundation and exhibited great nerve and willingness. His dam line is a full TB line (E4 Layton Barb Mare) and produced the good TB stallions Ildefonso xx, Impulsivo xx and also Irish Stew xx, all of which had influence in the warmblood breeds.

Premium: Zauberfürst - VIDEO -

Next in line was the black Ballzauber (by Axis TSF out of Ballnacht by EH Itaxerxes). Bred and owned by Vera Feist of Etgert, Germany, the black stallion stood out from the very beginning for his great overall athleticism, alert nature, and his very good jumping technique. The stallion is a lovely all around talent, and resembled a modern refinement type despite the lack of immediate blood in his pedigree. Ballzauber maybe lacked a bit of Trakehner beauty in his face, but was definitely one of the best all around sport horses of this approval, although his foundation was not very correct. His dam line of O18B1 Blitzlicht (Baumgart-Verden, not to be mistaken with the main stud family of Blinklicht!) also produced the approved Blizzard and Blinker, as well as the top young FEI dressage stallion Baron Verdi (ATA).


With Hulian (by Connery out of Hilka by EH Ravel), a very interesting chestnut stallion was approved. Bred and owned by Dr. Eckhardt Lehmann of Fallingbostel, Germany, the stallion is a full brother to the outstanding horse of the 2006 elite riding horse auction in Neumünster, the impressive Harley. He is also a maternal brother to the ATA's 2005 HOY at Prix St. Georg level, Lemon, and a 3/4 brother to the international Grand Prixl dressage gelding Hinnerk TSF (C. Koppelmann). The approval of Hulian was a great testimony to this horse's future, despite the fact that one needed to look twice to see his quality come through. The stallion was still very imature and had little stallion presence, but moved with exceptional rhythm and very good balance, clearly marking him as a top dressage prospect. Hulian is a member of the O388A Hulla family (Hundsdörfer-Meckelstedt). Besides the above mentioned dressage horses, this line also produced the CCI*** eventer and approved stallion Hannibal (UK) and the ATA's popular Heling. Another top talent for both dressage and jumping was the grey Lugani (by Guzzi out of Loryn P by EH Napoleon Quatre), bred and owned by Gestüt Wiesenhof in Krefeld, Germany. While his foundation was a bit weak in the "size of feet" department, the stallion made up for it by great elasticity over his back, excellent impulsion and a lovely work ethic. It was great to see a son of the multi-talent Guzzi approved, finally, and hopefully Lugani will have a shot at breeding in Germany. Lugani comes from the O235A2 Lorelei family (Jaeschke-Fresendorf), where the foundation family of Libelle stands for the stallions Lessen, Lossow and Lafayette.


The first crop of E.H. Hibiskus sons also had the very noble and elegant Stresemann up in Neumünster. Stresemann (by Hibiskus out of Sinfonie II by EH Charly Chaplin) displayed exceptional Trakehner type and lightness in his build and movement that stamped him as an interesting refinement option, also for other warmblood breeds. Your reporter here saw Stresemann a few days prior to the approval in his home barn in Holstein and despite missing braids and a lot of dirt in his coat, the overall quality was very apparent. The stallion could have a more modern front arm and possibly also more shoulder freedom, but has a lot of reach in his front and good impulsion from behind. Stresemann is a member of the T8A Suka family from the main stud Trakehnen. This is the family of the approved premium stallions Schampus (S level dressage) and Silvermoon (FEI dressage). Another grey approved stallion was the sympathetic Contis, a crowd favorite. Contis (by Interconti out of PS+SPS Contessa V by EH Michelangelo) was bred and owned by Gestüt Elmarshausen in Hessia. One word about Interconti. The premium stallion of 2002 is the last son ever approved of EH Consul. Being grey, he had a mere 10 foals on the ground from his very first foal crop. Of these 10, seven were colts. 3 of them ended up selected for NMS and two were approved, one with a premium! Hopefully this will wake up more breeders!! Interconti came out of this approval as a clear refiner, producing horses much larger in frame and height than he is himself, without compromising type, elegance and the leggy look that is desired today. We were truly impressed! Contis comes from the T14L2 Corry family (Gestüt Hunnesrück). This line is very popular and stands for the stallions EH Consul, E.H. Connery, Checkpoint, Cornus (M level show jumper), E.H. Cadeau, Couracius, Carel Deak and many more. Elfado was the next approved stallion, bred by Axel Hörmann of Halle, Germany and owned by Heidrun Brinkmann of Horn, together with Regina Hörmann. The big bay (by Kostolany out of Eris VI by Roncalli xx) was a super sport horse type and one of the more noticeable colts after the hard surface performance. Unfortunately, he has a less impressive day at free jumping, but nothing too serious. The stallion is a very substantial mover and we have no doubt that he will live up to his exceptional dam line (2nd dam was an advanced level eventer and produced Eos, a CCI*** eventer on the German Team). Like the approved premium Elfenstein, Elfado is from the O100A2 Etikette family that was founded by Dietrich von Lenski in his East Prussian home of Kattenau. The line further produced Exclusiv and Extravagant.


The next big positive surprise of this stallion market was the quality of the K2 sons presented. Three were shown, two received the approval for the Verband. Prinz K3 (by K2 out of PS+SPS Perle XXVIII by EH Hohenstein) was bred by Ernst Albert Haack, Beidenfleth, Germany and owned by Eichenhof GmbH of Rosengarten, Germany. The stallion was a very supple and elastic mover and displayed a great deal of harmony in his body, with more maturation down the road. He was light on his feet and of noble expression, with equally pleasing and good free jumping. Prinz K3 is from the T1C Polarfahrt family (Hauptgestüt Trakehnen). This family currently is represented by E.H. Polarion (International Grand Prix dressage) and Polarpunkt in Germany, and several stallions in the US, e.g. the recently approved Pavarotti. The same can be said of Dorkas (by K2 out of Dakota v.d. Heide by EH Partout), bred and owned by Manfred Rüter of Dorsten, Germany. Dorkas had even more impulsion and push from his haunches, most likely due to dam sire Partout, and impressed with exceptional athleticism over all. One of the two K2 sons could just as easily have been in the premium squad of this crop. Dorkas comes from the A4A Duna ShA family (Gramatzki-Hamburg). This line goes back to a purebred Shagya Arabian mare and also produced the approved Dynamit (S level dressage) and his full brother by the same name, but gelded (also S level dressage) as well as several, warmblood approved Anglo Arabians in Germany. And another grey stallion was Herzglanz (by Schiffon out of PS+SPS Herzflocke II by EH Tivano), a close maternal relative to last year's champion Herzensdieb. Herzglanz was bred and owned by Gestüt Panker in Holstein and was one of the biggest positive surprises of the days in Neumünster this year. Quietly, he made his way up and was a true talent over jumps with outstanding scope and bascule. The stallion moved very well, with good activity over his back, and was overall a nice refined, elegant type. What a great thing that after Schiffon's sale to the US, we now have a son of such excellent quality standing at stud in Europe! Herzglanz represents one of the biggest Trakehner mare families: T14O2 Herbstgold (Gestüt Schmoel-Panker). The direct maternal line produced the champion EH Herzzauber and the champion Herzensdieb, as well as the premium stallion Herzkristall and the approved Herzfunke.

Prinz K3

The last approved stallion was Maxwell (by Solero TSF out of SPS Monabelle by EH Caprimond). The bay stallion, bred by Dr. August Leitl, Oberneukirchen, Germany and owned by Gestüt Bönninghardt, Issum, was a spectacular jumper and is the first approved son of the Grand Prix stallion E.H. Solero in the Trakehner breed. He impressed with his exceptional jumping and great overall athleticism, which was reflected by his high demand in the auction later. The stallion was correct, from a good dam line and offers a great deal of athleticism and refinement for the breed. Maxwell comes from the O115A2 Marquise family (Hoogen-Gestüt Vogelsangshof). The third dam Marquise is the foundation mare of Mahagoni, EH Mackensen, Marlon, and via Mata Hari, Matador!


The stallion lines split up as follows:

  • Ballzauber and Hulian are Burnus AAH-Habicht descendants, both of them via EH Sixtus
  • Elfenstein belongs to the Flaneur-EH Arogno line, via EH Hohenstein; Iacocca goes straight back to EH Arogno via Ivernel
  • Okavango and Stresemann are from the Neuquen xx - Saint Cloud line, both via EH Latimer
  • Maxwell represents the Halali - EH Hyllos line as the first approved son of Solero TSF; the same line, but via the branch of Halali - EH Marduc, is represented by Lugani and Herzglanz
  • Donaugold and Elfado represent the Pasteur xx line through Kostolany; the champion Songline presents the Pasteur xx line through EH Michelangelo
  • Dorkas and Prinz K3 are the newest members of the Pancho II AA - Upan la Jarthe AA line
  • Zauberfürst and Contis represent the line of Swazi xx - EH Consul
  • new TB lines were established by Krokant (Lauries Crusador xx) and Chardonne (Stravinsky xx)