International Trakehner Stallion Market Neumünster 2007

The National Mare Championships

The 2007 National Mare Championship Finals were quite an event - mostly due to exceptional mares participating in this particular event. The job for the judges must have been very daunting. Finally, Gestüt Heinen's black Gipsy Flower II (by EH Gribaldi out of SPS Gipsy Rose by Polarion) was proclaimed as Grand Champion. The mare, who is now owned by Verena Sontheimer in Bavaria, was the champion of the regional inspection in Bavaria and came to NMS to make it the perfect weekend for Rhineland-based Heinen Stud: the Champion stallion (who is out of the same dam as Gipsy Flower!!), approved Scivias, Gipsy Flower II and the Reserve Champion mare, Aguilera (by Hofrat out of SPS+PS Aranja by EH Michelangelo) all came from this one farm. Aguilera was the Champion mare of the inspection in the Rhineland. What a success, especially considering that not only the mares, but also the grand sire EH Monteverdi TSF was bred by the Heinen family.

Champion mare: Gipsy Flower II

Reserve Champion mare: Aguilera (photo by Countess A. Dohna)

The 3rd placed mare was bay Lea V by Connery out of Lara Croft II by Tanzmeister I. This very sympathetic, well-moving mare was Champion of the inspection in Lower Saxony North-West and won everybody by her noble, light expression and way of going.