International Trakehner Stallion Market Neumünster 2008

The National Mare Championships

As every year, the regional inspection champions and high score mares were invited to participate at the National Championships in Neumünster. And also as usual, the overall quality of these 3yr old Trakehner mares is absolutely amazing - and a good sign for the future. In 2008, we saw a particularily strong group of mares in the finals and will portrait each one in the following line-up. We hope you enjoy the photos and find the information on pedigree and ancestors helpful and interesting.

The 2008 Champion mare was the Champion from the Rhineland inspection, dark bay Elvira IV. Her inspection scores from this were 10,8.5,7/7.5,9,8/9 for a total of 59 points, which also makes her the highest inspected mare in Germany in 2008. Elvira IV received the dream score of "10" for her type, and deservely so. Her elegance, beauty, harmony in her body parts and way of carrying herself were simply outstanding and a major factor on her road to the champion title. Elvira also moves with the same attributes - what she may lack in sheer power, she makes up for in elegance, nobility and beauty in her gaits with great mechanics in her front arm. It is only fitting that her late sire EH Partout, who passed away in 2008, leaves us with such an amazing daughter. Dam Evita XII has an impeccable track record as well: top selling mare in Neumünster in 2001 (110,000DM), she is dam of the approved Easy Game (by EH Gribaldi) and also of the 2005 National Champion mare Eviva (by Kaiser Wilhelm). This mare line has been kept alive in Denmark for a long time, where Evita was bred as well. Via Neumünster, she sold to the Netherlands, so that this daughter of the Trakehner Verband now managed to send two National Champion mares to Neumünster. Elvira's breeder Flip Willemsen sadly passed away and did not witness this great success, but his daughter had come to Neumünster to celebrate her father's legacy and the new owner of Elvira, Rene Franssen, was of course there as well.

Champion Mare 2008: Elvira IV (photos by Peter Richterich and Jutta Bauernschmitt)
EH Partout
EH Arogno
Flaneur by Maharadscha
ESt Arcticonius xx by Apollonius xx
Donauwind *E* by Pregel
Peggi by Altan
PS Evita XII
EH Arogno by Flaneur
SPS,PS+ESt Schwalbenburg by Ibikus
Cannon Row xx by Saville Row xx
Elite by Raubritter

Mare family of O175A Eichel (Federmann - Fuhlenrue)

The Reserve Champion Mare was Kimberly IV, who also was reserve champion at her inspections in Holstein this summer. Her score then were 8.5,8.5,7/7.5,9,8/8.5 for a total of 57 points. Kimberly is a very feminine mare with exceptional mmovement in her trot. She stands over good ground, is very modern in her appearance and showed a good temperament. Her maternal relatives are among the best mares of the breed right now. Dam Kosima is a full sister to the premium stallion Kasimir and the 2006 Neumünster Reserve Champion mare Kreta II (also by King Arthur). This family of Karissima, represented by Kosima, Kimberly and Kreta, won the Champion Family title at the State Mare Show in Schleswig-Holstein in 2008. Other important horses from this direct maternal family include the Grand Prix dressage stallion Konradi TSF, the Inter-I gelding Kaspare (Canada), his full brother, the FEI Young Horse champion Klouseau (also Canada), the premium mares Kolomba (ATA Grand Champion mare in 2005), Kolumbina and Konstante III and the approved Korado. Kimberly IV is bred and owned by Nicola Offen from Hamburg.

Reserve Champion Mare 2008: Kimberly IV (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt)
EH King Arthur TSF
EH Buddenbrock
EH Sixtus by Habicht
SPS,PS+ESt Ballerina by Diamant
EH Consul by Swazi xx
Kleopatra VI by Patras
EH Arogno by Flaneur
Isola II by Marlon
SPS,PS+ESt Karissima
EH Charly Chaplin by EH Mackensen
PS+ESt Kastanie XII by EH Arogno

Mare family of O23A Kordel (zu Dohna-Schlobitten)

The 2nd Reserve Champion mare was Marylin Monroe, who was inspected during the summer with scores of 9,8,7/7.5,9,8.5/8.5 for a total of 57.5 and was the champion of the mare inspection in Schleswig-Holstein. Bred in Denmark by Steffen Madsen, she is also still owned by him and was visibly in foal for 2009. Even more amazing was her movement under the circumstances - powerful with outstanding engagement from the back andgood scope, she impressed judges and spectators alike. Her sire Schampus has long passed away, but was a popular stallion for adding size, good rideability and jumping potential. He was one of 4 approved Karon sons in the Trakehner breed. Through her dam Mahogni, this mare is closely related to a number of stallions that all trace back to the origin of this big mare family, the Martchen-line. Martchen was a half Arab by Harun al Raschid ox. Her maternal half sister Mascotte, also by an Arab, Adamas ox, likewise founded a strong branch of this family that was represented by stallions like EH Marduc.

2nd Reserve Champion Mare: Marilyn Monroe (photo by Gräfin A. Dohna)
EH Arogno by Flaneur
Karben by Ibikus
SPS+ESt Suleiken IV
Mahagoni by Pasteur xx
Sylveleine by Maharadscha
EH Arogno by Flaneur
SPS,PS+ESt Schwalbenburg by Ibikus
Donauschimmer by Valentin
Massliebchen II by Lothar

Mare family of O181A2 Masliebe (Gestüt Hunnesrück)

The best Anglo Trakehner mare of the year was the delightful bay Oliva IX, who later also went through the mare auction and was acquired by the Schickedanz family for Galten Farms. Olivia was the Champion mare in the breeding district of New States, Berlin and was inspected with 8.5,8,7/8.5,8.5,8/8.5 for a total of 57 points. She is a formidable mover with an outstanding trot. She was bred by Ralph Vogel from Radegast in East Germany, who already produced her full sister as a champion mare in 2007. Olivia comes from the same mare family as the approved show jumpers Offenbach and Opernball, the older Orsini, the Austrian approved Trakehner Orpheus, as well as the ZfdP approved Trakehner eventer Osharin's Peron.

Best Anglo Trakehner Mare: St.Pr.+Pr.St. Oliva IX (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt)
Prince Thatch xx
Thatch xx
EH Arogno by Flaneur
Karben by Ibikus
SPS+ESt Suleiken IV
Mahagoni by Pasteur xx
Sylveleine by Maharadscha
Ode II
EH Hohenstein
EH Caprimond by Karon
ESt Helena XIV by Matador
Ora II
EH Gossist by Blaubart xx
Operette VII by Alarm

Mare family of S33 Olive (v. Maltzahn - Militzsch)

The following mares also competed in Neumünster, but did not end up placed and hence are not ranked here.

St.Pr+Pr.St. Amida (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt)
EH Latimer
Saint Cloud by Neuquen xx
Lara XII by EH Caprimond
EH Hohenstein by EH Caprimond
SPS,PS+ESt Herzlani by Kostolany
EH Hohenstein
EH Caprimond by Karon
ESt Helena XIV by Matador
Amazone VI
EH Marduc by Halali
Alpenschnee by Meilenstein

Mare family of O27B Amica (Pflaumbaum - Fohlental)

Breeder: Dirk Müller, Gestüt Sommerlade, Reichshof

Owner: Gestüt Hohenschmark, Grebin

Herbstdiora (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt)
EH Gribaldi
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso *Ps*E*
ESt Gondola II by Ibikus
EH Arogno by Flaneur
Distelfee by Matador
Herbstcaprice II
EH Caprimond
Karon by EH Arogno
ESt Capri VI by EH Mackensen
Königsruf by Insterruf
Herbstlied II by Tornado I

Mare family of T14O3 Herbstblüte

Breeder&Owner: Angela Filling, Horneburg

Pr.St. Shannon Dream (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt)
EH Sixtus
Habicht by Burnus AAH
Stradelle by Ibikus
SPS+PS Couracia
EH Caprimond by Karon
SPS,PS+ESt Couleur by Kassiber
Shannon Suite
Burnus AAH by Lapis ShA
Hallo by Goldregen
Shannon Symphony xx
Pry xx by Aggressor xx
Supreme Slave xx by Arctic Slave xx

Mare family of E11C Shannon Symphony xx (Gestüt Hörstein)

Breeder: Gestüt Hörstein, Alzenau

Owner: Frank Martens-Bruns, Dierstorf

Eternity (photo by Jutta Bauernschmitt)
EH Hohenstein
EH Caprimond
Karon by EH Arogno
ESt Capri VI by EH Mackensen
ESt Helena XIV
Matador by Donauwind *E*
Harpune II by Grimsel
Escada Nigra
EH Anduc
EH Marduc by Halali
Angelique by Ibikus
Elfennacht II
Waldvogt by Jolly Jinks xx
Eberesche by Rubin

Mare family of O100A1 Etikette (v. Lenski - Kattenau)

Breeder: Hans-Joachim Groß, Schwförden

Owner: Ingrid Klimke, Münster

Bakira (photo by Gräfin A. Dohna)
EH Michelangelo
Pasteur xx by Bürgermeister xx
SPS,PS+EST Miami by Matador
PS Sarogna
EH Arogno by Flaneur
Saskia by Valerian
PS Balaika VI
EH Sixtus
Habicht by Burnus AAH
Stradelle by Ibikus
SPS,PS+ESt Ballerina XXV
Diamant by Erzsand
ESt Blinklicht by Pindar xx

Mare family of T6A1 Blinklicht (Schmoel/Panker)

Breeder: Horst Ebert, Neckarsteinach

Owner: Margret MacGregor, USA

Pr.St. Sky Lady (photo by Peter Richterich)
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso *Ps*E*
SPS,PS+ESt Suleiken by Mahagoni
Cortina R
EH Caprimond by Karon
Cordelia R by EH Bartholdy
SPS+ESt Serenade XVI
Burnus AAH by Lapis ShA
Hallo by Goldregen
SPS,PS+ESt Shynoon
Highnoon by Insterruf
Scharade II by Magnet

Mare family of O35A1b Scherezad (Gestüt Rantzau)

Breeder&Owner: Gestüt Hörstein, Alzenau

Pleasure Girl (photo by Gräfin A. Dohna)
EH Van Deyk
Patricius xx
Kaiseradler xx by Nebelwerfer xx
Pura Plata xx by Zank xx
SPS+ESt Vanessa
Ibikus by Hertilas
Valerie by Impuls
SPS+PS Pretty Flower
EH Tuareg
Radom by Mahagoni
ESt Tilsit III by Herzbube
SPS+PS Pretty Daughter
Sir Shostakovich xx by Rheingold xx
Perspektiva by Kurfürst

Mare family of S85A Pigulka

Breeder: Irmgard Dohmen, Geldern

Owner: Stefan Gebauer, Köln

Silvester-Traum (photos by Karin Schweiger)
EH Münchhausen TSF
EH Hohenstein
EH Caprimond by Karon
ESt Helena XVI by Matador
ESt Mohnblüte
Königsstein by Königsruf
Margerite by Arrak
SPS Schöner Morgen
EH Arogno
Flaneur by Maharadscha
ESt Arcticonius xx by Apollonius xx
ESt Schöner Tag
EH Tenor by Tümmler
Schatztruhe by Kurfürst

Mare family of O35A1a Schwarze Schwalbe (Gestüt Webelsgrund)

Breeder&Owner: Hartwig Meinen, Tann

St.Pr.+Pr.St. Unique II (photoby Gräfin A. Dohna)
Upan la Jarthe AA by Pancho II AA
SPS,PS+ESt Schwalbenburg by Ibikus
PS Kateja
Inschallah AA by Israel AA
ESt Kalinka XV by Mahagoni
EH Louidor
EH Arogno by Flaneur
Luanda by Patron
Ulla IX
EH Bartholdy by Mahagoni
ESt Ulrike V by Istanbul

Mare family of O236 Freie (Schulenburg Hamburg)

Breeder&Owner: Dr. Gisa Löwe, Berlin