International Trakehner Stallion Market Neumünster 2010
The crop of 2009 was a very good one overall, probably better than what we saw in 2008 on average. In terms of conformation and selection, hoof size is definitely improving. However, if it is really necessary to present 2yr old colts that already stand 167, 168 or even 170cm (and not just a few!) is definitely a valid question. To turn down outstanding sport horses as sires because they measure in a healthy range of 160-164cm as 2yr olds is definitely a step in the wrong direction. The crop of 2009 made a fairly good first impression on the hard surface, considering that is was very cold and windy in NMS this year, and most youngsters are clipped and blanketed for weeks now. It was interesting to see how dramatically some horses improved just from getting into the indoor with a warmer climate! The free jumping was overall good, and while there is always room to improve, we can't help but notice two things. For one, the best jumper in terms of scope, power, technique and overall talent was sadly not approved (No. 10, Caruso Nero x Sixtus) and some of the jumper "specialists" did not live up to the high expectations one might have had. Of course, horses are only human and have good and bad days. However, since 21 stallions were approved this year, a huge "lot" where more than once the commission made concessions and horses with already abundent bloodlines were approved, we would have liked to see this absolutely rare genetic reserve of Caruso Nero (who is gelded now) preserved. The other note is that dressage stallions with dressage pedigrees, no matter how nice, impressive and well-moving, should still be able to clear a small jump chute without breaking their ears. A big critique this year is definitely the way below average jump some of our future top sires (seeing what their peers the last years bred in their first season) displayed. The Trakehner breed is simply too small to focus on two distinct breeding goals (dressage vs jumping). A good dressage horse still needs a strong back, a powerful canter and enough strength in its hindquarters. Part of that is the reason we feee jump our horses. Our second point of food for thought is the alarming rate in which proven and rare jumper dam lines are crossed with purebred dressage lines that may not necessarily "kill" the jump, but certainly rule out that stallion as a future jumper/eventing sire due to the fact that his genetic makeup is now too heterogeneous to yield something useful for the jumper/eventing world. We saw many examples of such breeding this year - it would be great if the Verband's Jumper Program was more effective and would pool such mares into a book, guaranteeing they will be bred accordingly.
During its press conference, the Verband pointed out that is it likely the triangle phase will be dropped entirely, and replaced by longing of the colts - a step already done in Oldenburg and soon to follow in Hanover. The at liberty phase will remain a key element during the approval process though, as Verband president Petra Wilm pointed out. It is important that the young horses are shown at least once with as little human intereference and manipulation as possible and only the at liberty phase can give the horses that chance.
The new stallions
Six premium stallions made up the final top group of the 13 approved stallions in Neumünster this year. The selection this year was clearly harder, and is a trend we hope to see continued in the future. While an overwhelming favorite was not in sight, the top group of stallions displayed high standards oif quality and also, much to most people's favor, a certain diversity in "types" (and we are not referring to the head!). Stallions with clear sport horse attributes were selected just as stallions that showed immens maturity for this age and had the so called "stallion qualities" in abundance. Classic Trakehner type was just as present as a more TB-influenced sport horse type. We welcome this development and hope to see it continued in the years to come!
Enrico Caruso *Ps*E* by Mahagoni
PS+ES Helena XIV by Matador
Schwadroneur bys EH Arogno
Illusion by Donauwind *E*
Mare family of O15A1 Insterkrone (Denmark) |
The Champion Imhotep is the first Danish-bred Trakehner who is pronounced Champion in Neumünster. He is also the only foal of his dam, and the very first foal his breeders ever produced! This delightful black pearl impressed with his powerful movement and very uphill conformation and way of going. He could have been a bit more harmonious over his top line, especially in the loin connection, but uses his hind end well and with much admired impulsion. His type, high quality three gaits and certainly also the highly popular pedigree constellation made him the top choice of the commission. Imhotep sold at auction for 300,000 Euro to Gestüt Fromberger Hof in Westfalia. He will stand at Oldenburgt-based Gestüt Böckmann in 2011.

1st Reserve Champion 2010: Herbstkönig (ex. His Time) |
Mare family of T14O1 Herbstlicht (Gestüt Schmoel/Panker)
The 1st Reserve Champion Herbstkönig (ex. His Time) was the most complete horse of this approval. Blessed with tremendous lightness and feather-like movement, a very energetic way of going and an excellent free jumping performance, he truly lived up to his highly versatile pedigree. Herbstkönig also clearly looked like a true 2.5yr old and has more maturation ahead of him. The stallion was a crowd's favorite and won many fans over the days. He was also one of the few horses that despite the enormous stress and phsyical demands of this event, never seemed to grow tired. Herbstkönig sold at auction to Klosterhof Medingen and the State Stud in Marbach for 180,000 Euro. He will remain at Klosterhof Medingen until the Handorf Stallion Show in February, and then will continue his breeding career at Marbach.

2nd Reserve Champion 2010: Millenium |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso *Ps*E*
Schwadroneur by EH Arogno
Mare family of O181A1 Martella (v. Lingelsheim-Rondeshagen)
The 2nd Reserve Champion Millenium also had a lot of sympathies and fans at this event. He was highly energetic, and had tremendous potential in his trot, which was always nicely over the knee and with excellent impulsion. The stallion appeared very mature for his age, and could have shown a more pronounced and dry foundation. His canter was very balanced and showed good uphill tendency. Millenium comes from a very successful maternal dressage family and will probably excel in this discipline. His full sister, 3yr old Maxima, was in the National Mare Championship in Neumünster as well. Millenium sold at auction for 320,000 Euro to the Oldenburg-based Gestüt Sprehe and the State Stud in Moritzburg, East Germany.

Kostolany by Enrico Caruso *Ps*E*
EH Maizauber by EH Bartholdy
Treuburg III by Kopernikus
Mare family of O156A Trude (Maurischkat-Argenquell / Antargen)
The best jumper prize in 2010 waqs awarded to the brown/black Tarison, who comes from prominent breeding. Another impressive jumper son of Hirtentanz, and this out of a highly proven dam (sport success at M level) and very close maternal relationships to the former best jumper, and now Canadian based Titulus. Tarison impressed with his scope and good technique over jumps. He also had equally convincing movement with excellent rhythm and balance, and good cadence in his trot. He was sold at auction for 59,000 Euro to Gestüt Hörstein in Bavaria, where he will debut in 2011.

SPS,PS+ES Herzminze by Radom
Mare family of O390 Medina
A very impressive model was the bay Mescalero, who represented the first crop of Impetus in Neumünster. This already well-matured and developed stallion moved with outstanding elasticity and suspension and carried himself with great ease. The very interesting athletic outline of this youngster is well matched by his balanced pedigree, with an exceptional smaller Trakehner mare family (FEI dressage horses and show jumpers from this line). Mescalero was bought back at auction by his owner (35,000 Euro), and will stand at Gestüt Stöckerhof in 2011.

PS Pontresina v. Kl. by EH Sokrates
SPS+ES Louisiana by EH Michelangelo
SPS+ES Blinklicht II by Burnus AAH
Mare family of T6A1 Blinklicht (Gestüt Schmoel/Panker)
A favorite of many from day 1 was the radiant chestnut Banderas. Especially in this year's crop, his color truly stood out with most stallions being dark bay or black. Banderas, who is a formidable model of a stallion with impressive body lines and a large frame, was still a bit butt high this year, indicating he is not done yet. He was athletic and of exceptional type in both gender and breed characteristics. He was also one of the most correct stallions of this year's crop. Banders, who was presented in partnership by his breeder Horst Ebert and the well known Hanoverian stallion raiser Heinrich Ramsbock, is the first approved Trakehner for Mr. Ramsbock, who bought Banders back during the auction (65,000 Euro). The stallion will debut at the State Stud Warendorf in Westfalia.

Approved: First Flight Spirit |
Sallust xx by Pall Mall xx
Sandford Lady xx by Will Somers xx
Uncle Remus xx by Bandmaster II xx
Sun County xx by Shifnal xx
Mare family of O102A Flamme (Schlacht-Holm)
First Flight Spirit was the first son of Cavalleri xx ever presented in Neumünster, and he was also the first colt that took advantage of the new rule regarding Anglo Trakehner colts: sons of TBs, Arabs, Anglo Arabs and Shagya Arabs may be presented as 3yr olds, as compared to all others, who have to be 2. The breeder's patience was rewarded in this case, and First Flight Spirit, despite his obvious growth stage, was approved. He boasts a formidable performance pedigree with the New Zealand-bred show jumper and eventer Cavalleri xx on top of a daughter of the Russian Olympic show jumper ALmox Prints. First Flight Spirit was a highly energetic stallion with an excellent, active hind end and good scope over jumps. he was not for sale and will be developed as an eventer by his breeder and owner, Dr. Schmidtlein from gestüt Heidekaten.

SPS,PS+ES Ballerina XXV by Diamant
EH Lehndorffs by EH Marduc
ES Kandia III by Mahagoni
Schwadroneur by EH Arogno
Mare family of O65A1 Eurydyka (Denmark)
Edberg was yet another E.H. Connery son in Neumünster that impressed with outstanding supple movement and overall refinement that makes him an interesting choice for other warmblood breeders as well. Still with tremendous developmental potential ahead of him, Edberg was light in his movement, always uphill, and with a good feeling for balance. Edberg is a nice reflection of his excellent dressage pedigree, with the two international Grand Prix dressage stallions Kaiser Wilhelm TSF and Schwadroneur in the dam line. Accordingly, he sold at auction for 32,000 Euro to dressage enthusiasts, where he will be developed carefully for a future career in the show ring.

Enrico Caruso *Ps*E* by Mahagoni
SPS,PS+ES Ballerina XXV by Diamant
Mare family of O60A Abendglocke (Specht - Arnsfelde)
All Agility is the full brother to the most impressive 2009 Res Champ All Inclusive - and could not have been more different! Very refined, light, with great Trakehner breed and gender type and all in all a horse for the second look, he was quite the striking difference to the imposing All Inclusive from 2009. All Agility could have shown more energy in his movement, but is a horse that we predict will excel under saddle. He sold at auction for 43,000 Euro to the Kretschmer stallion station in Westfalia and it was announced that he will be placed with Carola Koppelmann for his future dressage career.

Pomerantes ox by Priboj ox
Inster Graditz by Bonito xx
Pallas-Athene III by Athlet
Mare family of O60A Abendglocke (Specht - Arnsfelde)
The first approved son of Lowelas was presented in Grasnitz, a very talented and well moving stallion of great type. Grasnitz could have had a better neck set and neck formation, but easily won the crowd over by his highly rhythmic and energetic way of moving, especially from an always active hind end. The stallion showed good temperament and comes from an interesting dam line, which also produced the great E.H. Gribaldi, among others. Excellent generational succession of the FEI dressage stallions Peron Junior and EH Partout. The stallion sold at auction for 16,000 Euro to the dressage stable of

The stallion lines split up as follows:
- Osiander represented the Hyperion xx line via Lauries Crusador xx
- Connor McLeod comes from a new TB line via Tatanga xx that traces back to Phalaris xx
- Trakehnen's famous Pilger line was extended by Come close
- Dajan represented the small stallion line of Tauentzien via Major
- Kandelus and Zauberdeyk stand for the TB line of Patricius xx via EH Van Deyk
- the premiums Legretto, Abendtanz and Heuberger as well as Sidney Bay and Shapiro represent the Burnus AAH - Habicht line, all via EH Sixtus
- champion Kentucky, as well as Laxdoyen, Herbstklang, Hellinger and Idamantes all belong to the Fetysz ox - Famulus line, via EH Arogno
- the Pasteur xx line is divided into the branches of Mahagoni (All Inclusive, Saint Cyr, Montafon and Herbstbach) and EH Michelangelo (Giovanni Silva)
