The Trakehner in Dressage

Pentagon by Condus. Participant of the Mexico Olympics in 1968 for Mexico.

EH Latimer by Saint Cloud out of Lara by EH Caprimond. Still a young horse, the approved black Latimer was a very convincing National Riding Horse Champion in 2000, beating all big names of Hannover and Oldenburg with a record overall score and 10s for his conformation and rideability. He is currently showing at PSG and Inter I level and is expected to become a major dressage horse. Also very successful as a sire, his first son was approved in 2002, the reserve champion Hibiskus. In 2003, his second Trakehner son, Illux was approved for the Trakehner Verband and sold to Canada. In 2006, Latimer has several approved sons in the Hanoverian and Trakehner books in Germany, e.g. the full brothers Karolinger I and II, Finckenstein, and Immenhof. Latimer was awarded the title "elite stallion" by the German Trakehner Verband in 2005.

Leonidas *Pg* by Condus out of Libella V *E* by Siegbert. Leonidas was bred by his owner and rider Hilda Gurney (together with her parter Mary Contikos) and performed well in the show ring from very early age on. In hand classes were soon followed by dressage classes. By the end of the 20th century, he was a leading Trakehner dressage horse in the US. To name all of his achievements would exceed our space here, but apart from his ATA approval, the grey stallion (and last living son of the great Condus) has been named USDF All Breeds Champion in 2002 and has won countless Grand Prix classes with Hilda Gurney. His first offspring show the same talent as the famous sire. Leonidas was recently approved yb the German Trakehner Verband and in 2006, his frozen semen is sold in Europe.

Illusion by Flugsand out of Inka by Humboldt. This chestnut mare was a nationally leading dressage horse with rider Harry Boldt. She later became a brood mare and is the grandmother of the 1994 National Riding Horse Champion Induc by EH Marduc. A true success story, combining performance with breeding and improving the breed.

Pepel by Pilgrim out of Polyn 118. Pepel was the world's leading dressage horse in the early 70s. His biggest success was the individual Silver medal at the 1972 Olympics in Munich with Russian rider Nina Menkowa. Pepel later retired as a breeding stallion, equally successful here as he had been in the dressage ring. His last living son is the black Sapros, a stallion at Germany's famous Vogelsangshof. Sapros himself was an international show jumper before he came to Germany as a breeding stallion. In 2003, Sapros's son Marcato was approved in Neumünster and sold to the US, where he stands at stud now. (painting by Aleksey Glukharjov, RUS)

Donnersberg TSF by EH Consul out of Dorada by Mahon. Donnersberg TSF was en elite auction horse in Medingen as a 3year old, where his owners, the Wulf family, bought him for Christoph von Daehne. He took over the reins and has since been Donnersberg's only rider. Together, they broke a record in Germany: they won over 110 FEI classes in dressage in their career. Especially their freestyles, mostly ridden with one hand (!) were famous throughout the country. Donnersberg TSF earned a huge sum of money during his active time and has now been passed on to a young rider to be a school master and retire in grace. A true national hero!

Sachsenkönig by Handryk out of Souveräne by Altan II. This successful chestnut gelding is the fourth full sibling of these two parents who wins big in the show ring. Sachsenglanz had a successful season at Grand Prix level, internationally, in 2005 and is ridden by Kathrin Bettenworth from Germany. The impressive gelding scores highest for his balanced passages and ideal transitions.

Maserati by EH Partout out of Mercedes by EH Benz. Another son of the international Grand Prix winner Partout who is following in this sire's footsteps. Maserati was approved as Res Champion in Neumünster in 1999 and sold to the famous Wiesenhof Stud in Krefeld, which already stood EH Münchhausen TSF, EH Monteverdi TSF and the premium Guzzi at that time. Always a bit in the shadows of his famous stable mates, the high quality bay stallion, like his half brother Halbgott, moved upo through the levels and is now an accomplished FEI competitor for his new home in Belgium.
