Trakehner Verband Stallion Approvals Neumünster 2013
Pedigree charts: red = TB, green = Arabian, blue = Russian/East German

The 2013 stallion candidates
# 1 Rusticus
Favoritas xx |
Reitar xx |
Rubelnik xx by Raufbold xx |
Rotonda xx by Faktotumxx |
Flanel xx |
Lipzek xx by Priz xx |
Favoritka xx by Raund xx |
Rispe IV |
E.H. Bartholdy |
Mahagoni by Pasteur xx |
Balalaika by Polifax |
Rasante II |
Falker by Pasteur xx |
Romanze VIII by Magnet |
For approval and sale |
Trakehner Mare Family of O120A Rosenwunder (Piachnow Stangenwalde)
B./O.: Horst-Dieter Jäger, Germany/Hauke Jäger, Germany
Born 05/2011
Maternal half brother to the international Grand Prix dressage horse Rudy's Memory TSF
Sire Favoritas xx was an international Grand Prix show jumper for Norway

# 2 Gabun
Camaro |
Le Duc |
E.H. Anduc by E.H. Marduc |
Liga by Pregel |
Colored Beauty |
Elvis by Karabin |
Cressia by Italiener |
Galina II ox |
Vatican ox |
Kumir ox by Mak ox |
Nevesta ox by Aswan ox |
Gurba ox |
Bagdad ox by Naftalin ox |
Grecia ox by Kumir ox |
For approval and sale
B./O.: Camelot Arabians, Corinna Knaack-Lindemann, Germany
Born 04/2011
Closely related to approved Brioni and Kosmonaut ox
Sire Camaro evented at Bundeschampionat level.

# 3 Herbstsommer
Abendtanz |
Hirtentanz |
E.H. Axis TSF bz E.H. Sixtus |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzlani by Kostolany |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Amazing |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
St.Pr.St. Astrid II by Kassiber |
Pr.St. Herbstsonne |
Heops |
Herson by Eol |
Olimpiada by Pawitsch |
Pr.St. Herbstfee VIII |
Giorgio Armani by E.H. Arogno |
St.Pr.St. Herbstrose II by Vivaldi |
For approval and sale
Mare family T14O3 Herbstblüte (v. Schöning-Kl. Sallentin)
B./O.: Christin Bendfeldt, Germany/Christoph Bendfeldt, Germany
Born 05/2011
Abendtanz, best jumper NMS 2009, is the current National Trakehner Show Jumper Champion
Dam line of several S level performance horses in dressage and show jumping

# 4 Gorbatschow
Abendtanz |
Hirtentanz |
E.H. Axis TSF bz E.H. Sixtus |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzlani by Kostolany |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Amazing |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
St.Pr.St. Astrid II by Kassiber |
Galena |
E.H. Sixtus |
Habicht by Burnus AAH |
Stradelle by Ibikus |
Goldfee XIV |
Testarossa by Pasteur xx |
Goldschwalbe II by Schwalbenfreund |
For approval and sale
Mare family O177A Gundel (Schlemminger-Grabau)
B./O.: ZG Ebert, Germany/BG H. Ramsbrock + H. Ebert, Germany
Born 03/2011
Abendtanz, best jumper NMS 2009, is the current National Trakehner Show Jumper Champion
Dam line of Goldino and E.H. Gribaldi

# 5 Donaustern
Abendtanz |
Hirtentanz |
E.H. Axis TSF bz E.H. Sixtus |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzlani by Kostolany |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Amazing |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
St.Pr.St. Astrid II by Kassiber |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Dekade v. Klosterh. |
E.H. Hohenstein |
E.H. Caprimond by Karon |
E.St. Helena XIV by Matador |
E.St. Donauwoge v. K. |
E.H. Sokrates by Patron |
E.St. Donauquelle by Morgenglanz |
For approval and sale

Mare family O177A Gundel (Schlemminger-Grabau)
B./O.: Frank Martens-Bruns, Germany
Born 02/2011
Abendtanz, best jumper NMS 2009, is the current National Trakehner Show Jumper Champion
Dam line of successful dressage horses and show jumpers at S level

# 6 Scaglietti
All Inclusive |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Aller Beste |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Alizia by El-Zid |
St.Pr,Pr.+E.St. Schneeflocke VI |
E.H. Michelangelo |
Pasteur xx by Bürgermeister xx |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Miami by Matador |
Schalmei XIII |
Valerian by Ibikus |
Schwinge III by Habicht |
Only for sale if approved

Mare family O35A1 Schwalbe (Gestüt Rantzau)
B./O.: Gestüt Tasdorf, Germany
Born 06/2011
All Inclusive, Res Champ in NMS 2009, National Riding Horse Champion
Direct mare family of several M/S level performance horses. Dam is 2nd dam of cat no 13 Schneewalzer.

# 7 Kaliv
All Inclusive |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Aller Beste |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Alizia by El-Zid |
Pr.St. Kantante X |
Summertime |
E.H. Michelangelo by Pasteur xx |
Pr.St. Arogna by E.H. Arogno |
Pr.+E,St, Kalmar III |
Exclusiv by Starway |
Pr.St. Kleo's Double by Kostolany |
For approval and sale
Mare Family T7A1 Kassandra (Gestüt Webelsgrund)
B./O.: Hessische Hausstiftung, Germany/Dr. P. Wimmer, Germany
Born 05/2011
All Inclusive, Res Champ in NMS 2009, National Riding Horse Champion
Direct mare family of several M/S level performance horses

# 8 Bystro
All Inclusive |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Aller Beste |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Alizia by El-Zid |
Baranya |
Cupric xx |
Solo Dancer xx by Green Dancer xx |
Corona xx by Sigebert xx |
Boheme |
E.H. Consul by Swazi xx |
E.St. Bernina V by E.H. Anduc |
Comes only for approval, not for sale
Mare Family O344 Sylvia
B./O.: Roland Mittermayer, Germany
Born 05/2011
All Inclusive, Res Champ in NMS 2009, National Riding Horse Champion
Dam also produced the current Res Bundeschampion 4yr old riding horses Brancusi. Direct family of the international show jumper Balisto Z, the S level show jumper Budweiser Classic, the Bundeschampion Donovan and FEI dressage mare Appearance.
# 9 Hirtenglanz
All Inclusive |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Aller Beste |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Alizia by El-Zid |
Pr.St. Hirtenmaid |
Lord Luciano |
Enrico Caruso by Mahagoni |
Lily of the valley by Unkenruf |
St.Pr.St. Herzmaid |
Chopstick by Deadly Nightshade xx |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzchen by Ginster |
For approval and sale

Mare family T14O3 Herbstblüte (v. Schöning-Kl. Sallentin)
B./O.: Veronika von Schöning, Germany/Hof Heitholm, Germany
Born 04/2011
All Inclusive, Res Champ in NMS 2009, National Riding Horse Champion
Direct mare family E.H. Herzruf, FEI Grand Prix horse Heinrich der Welfe, Hirtentanz and others.

# 10 Chrisoupolis
All Inclusive |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Aller Beste |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Alizia by El-Zid |
Chippy |
E.H. Consul |
Swazi xx by Herero xx |
E.St. Cornau by Lothar |
Cosima VII |
Prälat by Herzbube |
Pr.St. Celesta by Marcio xx |
For approval and sale
Mare family T14L1 Ceres (Poll Hörem)
B./O.: Bernd Waldmann, Germany/Bernd + Madeleine Waldmann, Ger
Born 03/2011
All Inclusive, Res Champ in NMS 2009, National Riding Horse Champion
Direct mare famil of the S level dressage horses Ceylon, Chardon and E.H. Chardonnay

11 Heroe
Delikat |
Herzfunke |
E.H. Angard by E.H. Anduc |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Herzflocke II by E.H. Tivano |
Delikata |
Black Magic Boy by Beatos |
St.Pr.St. Dalmazita by Inkognito |
Herbstsonne |
E.H. Hohenstein |
E.H. Caprimond by Karon |
E.St. Helena XIV by Matador |
Herbstlied IV |
E.H. Tuareg by Radom |
St.Pr.St. Herbstinsel by Inselkönig |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family T14O1 Herbstlicht (Gestüt Schmoel/Panker)
B./O.: Sieglinde Rieckmann, Germany
Born 03/2011
Delikat, 1st Res Champ in NMS 2008, performance tested.
Direct mare family of Herbstkoenig and the S level dressage horses Honfleur, Hurrican, Harriman, as well as the top show jumper Hindenburg and the sport horse sire Herbstglanz

12 Glücksruf II
Dramatiker |
Bardolino |
E.H. Itaxerxes by E.H. Tenor |
Pr.St. Borkum by Tiparillo |
Darling VIII |
Altan II by Vers I |
Dariola by Ibar xx |
Gretel |
Opernball |
Polarpunkt by E.H. Arogno |
Orissa by Unkensee |
St.Pr.St. Gretchen V |
Trafaret by Almanach I |
St.Pr.+E.St. Grenzdirne by Drusus |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family T14O1 Herbstlicht (Gestüt Schmoel/Panker)
B./O.: Gudrun Bartels, Germany/Gestüt Ganschow, Germany
Born 02/2011
Full brother to the best jumper, NMS 2011, Glücksruf, who passed one of the best 30 day tests of all young Trakehner stallions in 2012.
Dramatiker, S level show jumper (now China).
Opernball, M level show jumper (Bundeschampionat)

13 Schneewalzer
Elfado |
Kostolany |
Enrico Caruso by Mahagoni |
Pr.St. Kapstadt by Falke |
Eris VI |
Roncalli xx by Priamos xx |
Ecliptic by Sastor |
Schneewittchen |
E.H. Münchhausen TSF |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
E.St. Mohnblüte by Königstein |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Schneeflocke VI |
E.H. Michelangelo by Pasteur xx |
Schwalmei XIII by Valerian |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family O35A1 Schwalbe (Gestüt Rantzau)
B./O.: Gestüt Tasdorf, Germany
Born 04/2011
Elfado, successful at M level dressage, qualified for Bundeschampionat
Direct mare family of several M/S level performance horses. Dam is 2nd dam of cat no 6 Scaglietti

14 Wildschütz
Herzensdieb |
E.H. Tambour |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Tänzerin V by E.H. Consul |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Herzensfreude |
E.H. Tivano by Tümmler |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Herzenslust by Gipsy King |
Wildfeuer |
Habicht |
Burnus AAH by Lapis ShA |
Hallo by Goldregen |
Walewska |
Erzsand by Flugsand |
Wildrose II by Pokal |
Only for sale if approved

Mare family O173A Waldrose (Krebs-Lübbersdorf)
B./O.: Wolfgang Baltz, Germany
Born 06/2011
Herzensdieb, Champ in NMS in 2005. Sire of Bundeschampionat-qualified dressage horses.
2nd dam produced approved FEI dressage stallion Wakond. Direct family of S level show jumpers Wettsport (approved) and Wiking and S level dressage horses Perikles und Walisto

15 Erbprinz
Hirtentanz |
E.H. Axis TSF |
E.H. Sixtus by Habicht |
Akansas by E.H. Angard |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzlani |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzchen by Ginster |
Pr.St. Eiszeit |
E.H. Buddenbrock |
E.H. Sixtus by Habicht |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Ballerina XXV by Diamant |
Elfennymphe |
E.H. Consul by Swazi xx |
Pr.St. Elfenquelle by Magnet |
For approval and sale
Mare family O100A Elfe (v. Lenski-Kattenau)
B./O.: ZG Böhn + Berger, Germany/Hessische Hausstiftung, Germany
Born 04/2011
Full brother to ATA approved Ehrentanz

16 Isle of Man
Hirtentanz |
E.H. Axis TSF |
E.H. Sixtus by Habicht |
Akansas by E.H. Angard |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzlani |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzchen by Ginster |
Pr.St. Eiszeit |
E.H. Buddenbrock |
E.H. Sixtus by Habicht |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Ballerina XXV by Diamant |
Elfennymphe |
E.H. Consul by Swazi xx |
Pr.St. Elfenquelle by Magnet |
Comes only for approval, not for sale
Mare family E1A Irka xx (Gestüt Webelsgrund)
B./O.: Pius Harlacher, Germany/Vitaly Pinchuk, Russia
Born 03/2011
Hirtentanz, best jumper in NMS 2005, S level show jumper
Direct mare family of the sport horse sire Ingo and the S level dressage stallion Irdenkreis, and S/M level dressage horses It's Lieschen M and Istria

17 Hofritter
E.H. Hofrat |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
Habsburg II |
Guter Planet by E.H. Consul |
St.Pr.St. Helevtia II by Effekt |
St.Pr. + Pr.St. Heavenly |
Artistic-Rock |
E.H. Rockefeller by E.H. Consul |
Akazie VI by Seeadler |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Habsburg |
Fahnenträger II by Grandezzo |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Habiana by Fabian |
For approval and sale

Mare family T14N1 Hymne (Gestüt Webelsgrund)
B./O.: Ilsemarie Peters, Germany/Ursula Weichel-Kirsch, Germany
Born 03/2011
Full brother to Häwelmann, NMS Champion in 2011
Direct maternal family of the S level dressage horses Hamilton (approved) and Hattrick

18 Perano
E.H. Hofrat |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
Habsburg II |
Guter Planet by E.H. Consul |
St.Pr.St. Helevtia II by Effekt |
Pr.St. Perena |
E.H. Herzzauber |
E.H. Marduc by Halali |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzminze by Radom |
Personagrata |
Karo As by Vollkorn xx |
Persante III by Erzsand |
For approval and sale

Mare family T14N1 Hymne (Gestüt Webelsgrund)
B./O.: Bernd Eisenmenger, Germany/Gestüt Hämelschenburg, Germany
Born 04/2011
E.H. Hofrat, Res Champ MNS 2001, international Grand Prix dressage stallion
2nd dam was successful at M level dressage. Direct line of the S level dressage horses Puschkin and Perfekt

19 Gianfranco
E.H. Hofrat |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
Habsburg II |
Guter Planet by E.H. Consul |
St.Pr.St. Helevtia II by Effekt |
Pr.St. Gaia |
Schwadroneur |
E.H. Arogno by Flaneur |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Schwalbenburg by Ibikus |
E.St. Go-Da |
Ibikus by Hertilas |
Gorvinia by Atoll |
For approval and sale

Mare family Godiva xx (DK)
B./O.: Dr. Angelica Lauritzen, Denmark/Anders Mølgaard, Denmark
Born 04/2011
E.H. Hofrat, Res Champ MNS 2001, international Grand Prix dressage stallion
2nd dam was successful at M level dressage. Direct line of the S level dressage horses Puschkin and Perfekt

20 King Louis
Imperio |
E.H. Connery |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
Caro-Dame II by Karo As |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Isar VI |
Balfour xx by Neckar xx |
Istia by Primo |
Pr.+E.St. Kira K |
E.H. Banditentraum |
Kiebitz by Wie Ibikus |
Beautz by Mozart |
E.St. Kanessa |
Schwalbenherbst by Herzbube |
E.St. Kanconette by Flaneur |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family T7A1 Kassandra (Gestüt Webelsgrund)
B./O.: Annemarie Krause, Germany/Hubertus Poll, Germany
Born 05/2011
Imperio, Res Champ NMS 2005, Bundeschampion, 2nd FEI World Championships Verden, FEI dressage stallion
The dam won at FEI level in dressage. Direct line of the Grand Prix horse Kevin and the multitalented E.H. Kasparow, among many others

21 Grandperio
Imperio |
E.H. Connery |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
Caro-Dame II by Karo As |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Isar VI |
Balfour xx by Neckar xx |
Istia by Primo |
Pr.St. Golda Meir |
E.H. Münchhausen TSF |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
E.St. Mohnblüte by Königstein |
Pr.+E.St. Giorgina III |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
Comes only for approval, not for sale
Mare family O177A Gundel (Schlemminger-Grabau)
B./O.: Marika Werner, Germany/Dr. Norbert Camp, Germany
Born 05/2011
Imperio, Res Champ NMS 2005, Bundeschampion, 2nd FEI World Championships Verden, FEI dressage stallion
Dam successful at M level dressage. 2nd dam is full sister to E.H. Gribaldi

22 Gallardo
Imperio |
E.H. Connery |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
Caro-Dame II by Karo As |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Isar VI |
Balfour xx by Neckar xx |
Istia by Primo |
Gute Zeit |
E.H. Consul |
Swazi xx by Herero xx |
E.St. Cornau by Lothar |
Gute Art |
Herzkönig by Erzsand |
Pr.St. Guayana by Mahagoni |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family O326 Gundula (Poll-Hörem)
B./O.: Hubertus Poll, Germany
Born 05/2011
Full brother to 2012 Res Champ Guradian
3rd dam produced Guter Planet and Guter Stern. Direct line of Glenn Grant (international eventer) and several high ranking mares

23 Empire State
Imperio |
E.H. Connery |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
Caro-Dame II by Karo As |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Isar VI |
Balfour xx by Neckar xx |
Istia by Primo |
Pr.St. Evviva |
Kaiser Wilhelm TSF |
E.H. Lehndorffs by E.H. Marduc |
E.St. Kandia III by Mahagoni |
Pr.+.E.St. Evita XII |
Schwadroneur by E.H. Arogno |
Elica by Cannon Row xx |
Comes only for approval, not for sale
Mare family O175A Eichel (Federmann-Fuhlenrue)
B./O.: Jikkie Willemsen-den Biema, NL/Hubertus Poll, Germany
Born 04/2011
Maternal half brother to the approved Easton
2nd dam also produced the S level dressage stallion Easy Game (approved)

24 Zangor
Imperio |
E.H. Connery |
E.H. Buddenbrock by E.H. Sixtus |
Caro-Dame II by Karo As |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Isar VI |
Balfour xx by Neckar xx |
Istia by Primo |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Zauberblüte III |
E.H. Tambour |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Tänzerin V by E.H. Consul |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Zauberknospe |
Donauwalzer by E.H. Sixtus |
StPr.,Pr.+E.St. Zaubernacht II by E.H. Caprimond |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family S61 Zauberfee (Hundsdörfer-Beckedorf)
B./O.: S.A. Société des Quatre Chemins, Belgium
Born 02/2011
Imperio, Res Champ NMS 2005, Bundeschampion, 2nd FEI World Championships Verden, FEI dressage stallion
Direct family of S level dressage stallion Zauberfürst and the current 3yr old National Riding Horse Champion Zikade. Family of the foundation sire Zauberruf and several upper level show jumpers

25 Tudor
Iskander |
Le Rouge |
Pret a Porter by Ivernel |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Lantana by Tycoon |
Ira XIII |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
Insterna by E.H. Leonardo |
Tugga |
E.H. Sixtus |
Habicht by Burnus AAH |
Stradelle by Ibikus |
Toffifee |
Condus by Ramzes AA |
Traumbild II by Herbststurm |
For approval and sale

Mare family O160A Falle (Manier-Grabau)
B./O.: Familie Gellhaar, Germany/Konsortium Tudor, Germany
Born 04/2011
Iskander, NMS Champion in 2008, M level dressage
2nd dam also produced FEI dressage horse Till Eukenspiegel. Family of the Swiss Olympic dressage stllion Troubadour, and the sport horse sire Harnisch. Direct line of the S level dressage horses Fontanus, Falstaff, Tamino, Hippo's Tendenz and Hippo's Tänzerin

26 Karl May
Karl Lagerfeld |
E.H. Hofrat |
E.H. Gribaldi by Kostolany |
Habsburg II by Guter Planet |
Pr.+E.St. Kastanie XII |
E.H. Arogno by Flaneur |
E.St. Kronubia by Ginster |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Kalla |
E.H. Cadeau |
Silvermoon by Kostolany |
Cortina R by E.H. Caprimond |
Kashooga |
Matador by Donauwind |
Kalifornia by Perlenglanz |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family O41A Kavallerie (v.d.Leyen-Hasselpusch)
B./O.: Corinna Osinski, Germany
Born 05/2011
Karl Lagerfeld, M level dressage
Direct family of the S level dressage horses Kaschmir, Kormoran, and Kampary as well as the UK-based stallion Krug

27 Königssohn
Kasimir TSF |
Ivernel |
E.H. Arogno by Flaneur |
Isola II by Marlo |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Karissima |
E.H. Charly Chaplin by E.H. Mackensen |
Pr.+E.St. Kastanie XII by E.H. Arogno |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Königsfreude |
Interconti |
E.H. Consul by Swazi xx |
Pr.St. Irene VI by Mahagoni |
StPr.,Pr.+E.St. Königsfee II |
E.H. Tambour by E.H. Hohenstein |
Kavalkade VI by Couleur-Fürst |
For approval and sale

Mare family T7B Kokette (Hauptgestüt Trakehnen)
B./O.: Dr. Elke Söchtig, Germany
Born 04/2011
Kasimir TSF, international dressage stallion.
Dam is full sister to the recently approved Königssee. Family of the S level show jumper mare Kadenz

28 Killarney
Kentucky |
Donaufels |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
StPr.,Pr.+E.St. Donaufürstin v. Kl. by E.H. Sokrates |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Kaiserin |
E.H. Lehndorffs by E.H. Marduc |
E.St. Kandia III by Mahagoni |
Kaluna |
E.H. Solero |
E.H. Hyllos by Halali |
Siri Arabella by Polargeist |
StPr.+Pr.St. Karlotta |
E.H. Lehndorffs by E.H. Marduc |
E.St. Kandia III by Mahagoni |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family T7A4 Kantilene (Gestüt Biebertal)
B./O.: Herbert-Stefan Schümann, Germany
Born 04/2011
Kentucky, Champion NMS in 2009
Very close linebreeding to the famous mare Kandia. Family of the S level dressage mare Kandela (full sister to Kaiserin and Karlotta)

29 Tempelgeist
Kentucky |
Donaufels |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
StPr.,Pr.+E.St. Donaufürstin v. Kl. by E.H. Sokrates |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Kaiserin |
E.H. Lehndorffs by E.H. Marduc |
E.St. Kandia III by Mahagoni |
Träumerei V |
E.H. Caprimond |
Karon by E.H. Arogno |
E.St. Capri V by E.H. Mackensen |
Pr.+E.St. Traumweise |
E.H. Tenor by Tümmler |
Traumwolke III by Ibikus |
For approval and sale
Mare family O26A Traumbild (Mack-Althof Ragnit)
B./O.: Leonhard Thiel, Germany/Michael Klein, Germany
Born 04/2011
Kentucky, Champion NMS in 2009
Dam is full sister to approved Tanzmeister I and II. Direct family og the FEI dressage stallion Traumfdeuter (approved). Also the family of the S level dressage horses Tantris TSF and Talismann

30 Loyola
Kentucky |
Donaufels |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
StPr.,Pr.+E.St. Donaufürstin v. Kl. by E.H. Sokrates |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Kaiserin |
E.H. Lehndorffs by E.H. Marduc |
E.St. Kandia III by Mahagoni |
Loreley |
E.H. Tambour |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Tänzerin V by E.H. Consul |
St.Pr.St. Linsterblume |
E.H. Tenor by Tümmler |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Linsterlied by Insterruf |
For approval and sale
Mare family A5A3 Luna IV (Willems-Emmerich)
B./O.: Gisela Gunia, Germany
Born 04/2011
Kentucky, Champion NMS in 2009
Direct mare family of the 2004 NMS Champ and FEI dressage stallion Le Rouge and the two-times Olympic eventing mare Larissa (ATA), who also places at the Rolex CCI**** in Kentucky. Line of the important sires Lumpazi and E.H. Louidor, as well as the very successful S level dressage horse Loucado

31 Goodwin
Kentucky |
Donaufels |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
StPr.,Pr.+E.St. Donaufürstin v. Kl. by E.H. Sokrates |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Kaiserin |
E.H. Lehndorffs by E.H. Marduc |
E.St. Kandia III by Mahagoni |
St.Pr.St. Gipsy Rose |
E.H. Polarion |
E.H. Van Deyk by Patricius xx |
E.St. Polaried by Insterruf |
St.Pr.St. Gipsy Lady |
Camelot by Arsenal |
St.Pr.St. Grazie II by E.H. Arogno |
For approval and sale

Mare family O326 Gundula (Poll-Hörem)
B./O.: Gestüt Heinen-Issum, Germany
Born 02/2011
Maternal half brother to the NMS Champion Grand Passion (also French National Dressage Horse Champion)
Direct mare family of Grafenstols TSF (Bundeschampion, FEI WOrld Champion Young Event Horse, CCI*** stallion), the top sport horse producer Gipsy King, Guy Laroche and the S level dressage horses Gassendi and Giovanni. Also line of the international driving horse Graziela TSF

32 Mountbatten
Kentucky |
Donaufels |
E.H. Hohenstein by E.H. Caprimond |
StPr.,Pr.+E.St. Donaufürstin v. Kl. by E.H. Sokrates |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Kaiserin |
E.H. Lehndorffs by E.H. Marduc |
E.St. Kandia III by Mahagoni |
Pr.St. Morgana IV |
Key West |
Stradivari by Upan la Jarthe AA |
Pr.St. Kateja by Inschallah AA |
Morgenrot II |
E.H. Van Deyk by Patricius xx |
Mara XV by Machandel |
For approval and sale
Mare family O49A Mira (Ehlert-Harpstedt)
B./O.: Stefanie Hekele, Germany/Dagobert Vester, Germany
Born 05/2011
Kentucky, Champion NMS in 2009
Direct mare family the Dutch show jumper foundation sire Marco Polo, E.H. Michelangelo, E.H. Monteverdi TSF, Morgenglanz and Mozart. Very close relation to the S level dressage horse Rehmus

33 Bel Baron
E.H. Münchhausen TSF |
E.H. Hohenstein |
E.H. Caprimond by Karon |
E.St. Helena XIV by Matador |
E.St. Mohnblüte |
Königstein by Königsruf |
Margerite by Arrak |
St.Pr.+Pr.St.Belle Epoque |
E.H. Partout |
E.H. Arogno by Flaneur |
Pedola by Donauwind |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Balz |
Habicht by Burnus AAH |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Balzjagd by Insterfeuer |
For approval and sale

Mare family E1J Ballyvergin Lady xx (v.Imhoff Schloss Reichenberg)
B./O.: Dr. Ingo + Cornelia Braun, Germany/Cornelia Braun, Germany
Born 05/2011
E.H. Münchhausen TSF, Champion NMS in 1997, international Grand Prix winner, sire of international dressage horses and approved stallions
Famous eventing mare family, here in dressage breeding. Line of Bukephalos (GER, CAN) and the important sire Balzflug (NL). Direct family of the international eventing mares E.St. Banteer and E.St. Bunbury

34 Herzjunge
Ovaro |
E.H. Hohenstein |
E.H. Caprimond by Karon |
E.St. Helena XIV by Matador |
E.St. Odessa XI |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
Odett by Kurfürst |
Herzsonne II |
Assistent |
Kornett by Maharadscha |
Ascona by Mahagoni |
Herzflamme |
Radom by Mahagoni |
St.Pr.St. Herzblume by Erzsand |
For approval and sale

Mare family T14O2 Herbstgold (Gestüt Schmoel/Panker)
B./O.: Hof Heitholm, Germany
Born 04/2011
Ovaro, S level dressage stallion
Dam produced Herzfee, M level dressage. 2nd dam is full sister to Grand Prix horse Harlem. Family of the S level dressage horses Harmonie, Harlequin, Hippokrates and Happy Gipsy and the S level show jumper Herzgold

35 Luxor
Redecker |
E.H. Kasparow |
E.H. Sixtus by Habicht |
St.Pr. Pr.+E.St. Kandra by Kostolany |
E.St. Ragnit VII |
Couleur-Fürst by Sir Shostakovich xx |
Rhapsodie V by Kopernikus |
Leandra IV |
E.H. Lehndorffs |
E.H. Marduc by Halali |
Legende IX by Lucado |
Lea III |
Tycoon by Donaumonarch |
Lady XXIII by Rubicon xx |
For approval and sale

Mare family O64A Lust (Rescheleit-Meschenhof/Meschken)
B./O.: Drs. W. + R. Dettmering, Germany/same and Gestüt Hohenschmark, Germany
Born 02/2011
Redecker, former National Champion Riding Horse
Family of the FEI dressage stallion E.H. Latimer, Luzifer, the S level dressage stallion Lions-Club, and the great sport horse sire Lucado

36 Tarot
Rheinklang |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
StPr.,Pr.+ESt. Rheinnau |
E.H. Partout by E.H. Arogno |
St.Pr.St. Rheinsonne by E.H. Itaxerxes |
Tiara VI |
Humanus |
E.H. Maizauber by E.H. Bartholdy |
Heublume II by E.H. Tenor |
Tarabiscote |
Caanitz by Aron |
Treuburg III by Kopernikus |
For approval and sale
Mare family O156A Trude (Maurischkat-Argenquell/Antargen)
B./O.: Madlen Mager, Germany
Born 05/2011
Maternal half brother to the best jumper and premium stallion Tarison
Dam successful M level show jumper. DIrect family of Titulus (ATA).Dam sire Humanus was an international show jumper
Dam is 2nd dam of stallion candidate cat no 43 Tyson

37 Rantzau
Rheinklang |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
StPr.,Pr.+ESt. Rheinnau |
E.H. Partout by E.H. Arogno |
St.Pr.St. Rheinsonne by E.H. Itaxerxes |
E.St. Ragnit VII |
Couleur-Fürst |
Sir Shostakovich xx by Rheingold xx |
StPr.,Pr.+E.St. Couleur by Kassiber |
Rhapsodie V |
Kopernikus by Tornado I |
Region by Hessenstein |
For approval and sale
Mare family O98A Rieta (Mack-Althof Ragnit)
B./O.: Gisela Gunia, Germany
Born 04/2011
Maternal half brother to Redecker, National Riding Horse Champion (approved)
2nd dam is a full sister to the M level show jumpers Rittmeister, Radetzky, Rebell and Rhapsodie. Family of the S level show jumper mare Romanze. THe RIeta family further produced the approved stallions Rheinklang, Raubritter, Rubin and Rastenberg as well as the Res Champ Ressort

38 Rudowsky
Singolo |
Oliver Twist |
E.H. Monteverdi TSF by E.H. Partout |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Olga III by E.H. Sixtus |
StPr.+E.St. Shakira |
E.H. Biotop by Blesk |
Shira II by Königspark xx |
Rominten VIII |
Gelria |
Kassio by Absatz |
Pr.u.E.St. Griseldis by Pindar xx |
Rauschen |
Inster Graditz by Bormio xx |
Rupie by Karneol |
For approval and sale

Mare family T14I1 Rupie (Wezel-Gestüt Schralling)
B./O.: Hans-Ernst Wezel, Germany
Born 04/2011
Singolo, maternal half brother to Shapiro and San Silviano, is placed at M level dressage.
Direct family of the approved Russian Deal. Branch of the old Heideröschen (by Kupferhammer) line, which was successfully developed in Russia after WWII and is only now coming back to Germany

39 Kissinger
Singolo |
Oliver Twist |
E.H. Monteverdi TSF by E.H. Partout |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Olga III by E.H. Sixtus |
StPr.+E.St. Shakira |
E.H. Biotop by Blesk |
Shira II by Königspark xx |
St.Pr.,Pr.,E.St. Kontessina |
E.H. Arogno |
Flaneur by Maharadscha |
E.St. Arcticonius xx by Apollonius xx |
E.St. Kornubia |
Ginster by Pregel |
Koralie by Auftakt |
For approval and sale

Mare family O23A Kordel (zu Dohna-Schlobitten)
B./O.: Alexandra Gräfin Dohna, Germany/Hans Kinzler, Germany
Born 04/2011
Singolo, maternal half brother to Shapiro and San Silviano, is placed at M level dressage.
Dam and 2nd dam produced over 10 premiu mares and the S level dressage horses Kontessino, Kasimir TSF (approved), Konradi TSF and the Canadian international dressage horse Key Wesy (ex Kaspare). The dam also produced the 2005 ATA Grand Champion mare Kolomba

40 Baxter
Symont |
E.H. Monteverdi TSF |
E.H. Partout by E.H. Arogno |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Miami by Matador |
St.Pr.St. Syvari |
Kostolany by Mahagoni |
St.Pr.+E.St. Suleiken IV by Mahagoni |
Balaika III |
Preussenprinz |
Majoran by Rubin |
St.Pr.+E.St. Preussenlied by Karneval |
StPr.,Pr.+E.St. Bondina |
Fontainbleau by E.H Rockefeller |
E.St. Baschka by Polargeist |
For approval and sale
Mare family O267A1 Balistyka (Meyer-Venter/Isernhagen)
B./O.: Wilhelm Tieste, Germany/ZG Tieste, Germany
Born 06/2011
Symont, son of the Grand Prix winner Monteverdi and a full sister to Silvermoon
3rd dam produced Black Magic Boy. Family of E.H. Bartholdy and several versatile performance horses

41 Grand Cavalier
Syriano |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
Samarkand |
Schwadroneur by E.H. Arogno |
Serikit by Märchenprinz |
Grande Nation |
Uckermärker |
Goldino by Patricius xx |
Utoptie by E.H. Bartholdy |
Garonne AA |
Upan la Jarthe AA by Pancho II AA |
Grandezza IV AA by Pasteur xx |
For approval and sale
Mare family O267A1 Balistyka (Meyer-Venter/Isernhagen)
B./O.: Karl-Friedrich Peters, Germany
Born 04/2011
Syriano, Res Champ in NMS in 2008.
2nd dam produced Gardist, M level dressage. Anglo Arabian dam line with the top performance blood of Upan la Jarthe AA and Pasteur xx

42 Wangold
Syriano |
E.H. Gribaldi |
Kostolany by Enrico Caruso |
E.St. Gondola II by Ibikus |
Samarkand |
Schwadroneur by E.H. Arogno |
Serikit by Märchenprinz |
Waluna |
Uckermärker |
Goldino by Patricius xx |
Utoptie by E.H. Bartholdy |
Wagunda xx |
Helikon xx by Königsstuhl xx |
Whisky Party xx by Windwurf xx |
For approval and sale

Mare family E6 Old Bald Peg
B./O.: Johannes Mangold, Germany/Otto Langels, Germany
Born 03/2011
Full brother to 2012 2nd Res Champ Whizzkid
Helikon xx is also sire of CCI***/**** horses Seacookie TSF (William Fox-Pitt) and Hale Bobb (Ingrid Klimke)

43 Tyson
Tycoon |
Donaumonarch |
Sir Shostakovich xx by Rheingold xx |
E.St. Donauquelle by Morgenglanz |
Titania III |
Damaskus by Flaneur |
E.St. Tugend III by Burnus AAH |
Pr.St. Taira |
Hirtentanz |
E.H. Axis TSF by E.H. Sixtus |
St.Pr.,Pr.+E.St. Herzlani by Kostolany |
Tiara VI |
Humanus by E.H. Maizauber |
Tarabiscote by Caanitz |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family O156A Trude (Maurischkat-Argenquell/Antargen)
B./O.: Madlen Mager, Germany
Born 05/2011
Tycoon, sire of international performance horses in eventing
2nd dam successful M level show jumper. Direct family of Titulus (ATA). Humanus was an international show jumper
Dam is full sister to stallion candidate cat no 36 Tarot

44 Solitär Rouge
Zauberdyke |
E.H. Van Deyk |
Patricius xx by Kaiseradler xx |
E.St. Vanessa by Ibikus |
St.Pr.u+Pr.St. Zauberlied II |
E.H. Friedensfürst by Rondo |
Zaubermärchen by Märchenprinz |
Sedina |
Sedar |
Zauberklang by Prince Conde |
Somalia by Magnus |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Scharivari |
Swazi xx by Herero xx |
Sahara IV by Cesar |
Only for sale if approved

Mare family A2A Schalmei Sh.A.
B./O.: Herbert Raith, Germany
Born 04/2011
Zauberdyke's first crop in NMS. He is successful at M level dressage.
High quality ShA dam line with several good performance horses in eventing and dressage, e.g. Schanama (S level dressage)

Stallion candidates born in 2010 (3yr old)
45 Tucholsky
E.H. Hohenstein |
E.H. Caprimond |
Karon by Flaneur |
E.St. Capri V by E.H. Mackensen |
E.St. Helena XIV |
Matador by Donauwind |
Pr.St. Harpune II by Grimsel |
E.St. Tolosa |
Arrak |
Ibikus by Hertilas |
Altessa by Kurfürst |
Tolna |
Karwendelstein by Hessenstein |
Tollkirsche by Handelsherr |
Only for sale if approved
Mare family O5A Taxe (Schlemminger-Grabau)
B./O.: Klaus Rotthäuser, Germany
Born 06/2010
Full brother to Titelheld
E.H. Hohenstein, Trakehner sire of international reputation, sire of FEI Grand Prix horses, team horses, approved stallions and high ranking brood mares.
2nd and 3rd dam were successful M level driving horses. Family of the M level dressage horse Topas.

46 Paragon
Schwalbenglanz |
Checkpoint |
Polarpunkt by E.H. Arogno |
E.St. Corna by Illuster |
Schwarze Schwalbe II |
E.H. Arogno by Flaneur |
Schwalbenglück by Istanbul |
Pergamon |
Donaufischer |
Sevillano xx by Alpenkönig xx |
St.Pr.+Pr.St. Donausage II by Kennedy |
Pr.+E.St. Pepelniza |
E.H. Sokrates by Patron |
Primavera by Mahagoni |
Only for sale if approved

Mare family T4C1a Perlmuschel (Wahler-Klosterhof Medingen)
B./O.: Beate Heise, Germany/same + Gestüt Hohenschmark, Germany
Born 07/2010
Schwalbenglanz, M level dressage
Dam is full sister to NMS Res Champ Pricolino (M level dressage). Great performance family tracing back to the Main Stud Trakehnen's famous Perarea. Direct family of the German Eventing Champion Prätorius and several S level dressage horses
