109 Okarina


Breeder: C.D. van de Ree, Alveslohe, Germany

Owner: same

Hockey 41
Pomerantes ox by Priboj ox
Chasa by Hrisolit
Papirus by Pamir
Privolnica by Welt
Obninskaja R.
El Greco
Fontainbleau by EH Rockefeller
Elchniederung by Amagun
Telets by Espadron
Odaliska by Topki

Mare family of T10C Beresina (Hauptgestüt Trakehnen)

The sire

Sire Perechlest was an internationally successful Grand Prix dressage stallion with Ulla Salzgeber and was approved based on his performance career. He is a son of the top sport horse producer Hockey, whose offspring competed at the highest levels, including Olympics, in dressage and show jumping. Perechlest carries old main stud Trakehnen lines in his background and comes from the T11A Legion (Hauptgestüt Trakehnen) mare line.

The dam

Second dam Oktiabrina had the elite auction mare Odessa in NMS last year and comes staright from the famed Kirov breeding program in Russia. Her dam sire Topki was an international show jumper and sired the approved Trakehner Schenkendorff, who has a CCI** eventing career in Great Britain and also show jumped at M levels. Dam sire El Greco is a CCI*** eventer and the only approved son of the former champion and CCI*** eventer Fontainbleau remaining at stud in Germany.

Photo by Beate Langels
